Hide all tabs in Family/Student access until the parent has completed online registration.
We understand this is currently an option for the scheduling tab however we need this for ALL TABS. When a parent logs in they should see nothing but online registration. When a student logs in it would only show them a message that their parent needs to complete online registration before they can see anything. There are 6 other tabs a student can look at to figure the schedule/teacher. We have them disabled however it is a campus setting so we cannot enable them only to parents who have completed online reg. So for example Endorsements, this would be a good time to get the parent to sign it once they are done however they cannot see the tab.
Debby Kirker commented
It would be very helpful to hide all courses and advisor and any scheduling information until we want to share (date). We have parents register but need additional information but can already see the schedule.
Shayla Pickett commented
We've also had this issue every year since we've started online reg. I would like to see the option to "Hide All" BUT also the ability to easily just uncheck one or two tabs that we have parents retrieve data from during online registration. It would also be VERY helpful to remove the advisor or homeroom teacher from the student info tab until registration is completed.
Linda Swift commented
YES! They are all finding "creative" ways to find their schedules before completing this task.
We use Schoology as a LMS as well....and they log also log in to their account to see their schedule. We try to delay the sync on this.
Michelle Brancheau commented
Seconding Mary's comment about the backdoor to schedules from the other areas causing us to have to hide more than just the schedule tab.
Mary Mitchem commented
Yep. Here is my task list every year: Hide endorsements, academic history, course requests, graduation requirements, career plan. We've found all of these are back-door ways into the schedule.
Then go back and unhide when school starts all over again.