Student Management Suite
1601 results found
Add asterisk next to Identity tab name to indicate student has had a name change entered, as is done under Special Programs
To help quickly flag students who have had an alternate name entered on the Identify tab, could an asterisk be added to the left of the Identity label? This is currently done for Special Programs.
10 votes -
Grading and Attendance Analysis Report
Add grade level to the Grading and Attendance Analysis Report.
3 votes -
mobility code support
Please add utilities to allow the mass add/removal of mobility codes from Entry/Withdrawal records. Ideally, I should be able to specify a date range, and optionally a withdrawal code and a mobility code to be entered if the criteria are met. Also, making the mobility code available to data mining would be very helpful as well. Affects: PA State Reporting
2 votes -
When creating Staff at entity; have option to go directly to security area to add security for that staff person
When creating a Staff member, a teacher for example, it would be nice to have a box to check to 'Add Security' and upon saving that set up, be taken directly to the Secured User area to that specific staff members account and add their security without having to move out of the Staff area and into the security area and then retype in the staff name and expand to add the security. This could go hand in hand with adding and effective date to start or end security and / or active or inactive status of staff. Definite time…
14 votes -
Automated emails to activity staff when students grades drop.
It would be great to automatically notify the staff when a student or students in their activities have grades drop below a certain grade.
6 votes -
When entering purchase entry by homeroom, there isn't a way to see which students have classroom purchase authorization turned off. It w
When entering purchase entry by homeroom, there isn't a way to see which students have classroom purchase authorization turned off. It would be great if this could be turned on and off in this area or if there was a report that could be run by homeroom with this data.
1 vote -
Fees not accessible to Family #2
Please find a way for secondary families to access student fees. Currently second families do not have access.
7 votes -
Student Locator
It would be great to see the OTHER ID on the Student Locator. We have to go to another screen to get the other id.
3 votes -
Offense Level as a Column to view in certain Areas
In the Entry By Incident Area - OF-DI-DI if there could be a column labeled Offense Level for Major/Minor .
Then in the Add Offense area if instead of having drop down box with Offense/Referral that if could be a drop down box for Major/Minor. She said that would work better. Is there anyway this could be setup.1 vote -
Gradebook Combination
"We need a work around for the Combine Classes feature. Currently, it only works for courses with the same code. I (and many teachers at my school) have co-taught courses which are split into two grade books per period (half regular education course code, other half special education course code). I am unable to combine them, even though they are the same period/section. I assign the same material to both and grading is really difficult and time consuming because I have two sections of kids for each period I teach.
For example, I would like to make 1404/001 (regular ed.…
1 vote -
Add Other ID# to Guidance Reports
This is self explanatory. All student reports in Skyward should be standardized with the ability to print Other ID#.
6 votes -
Have "Other Name" from Student Profile as a field option in the Food Service POS module.
When a student goes by a name other than their legal name, Food Service should be aware to so we use the correct name during meal service.
3 votes -
Be able to select multiple teachers to print their schedules
When working on scheduling it is helpful to print a teacher's schedule. I sometimes want to print more than one. It would be helpful to be able to choose what teachers' schedules I want, rather than having to print more than one report.
4 votes -
Mass add tests with a default value using a processing list - WS/OF/CA/TS/UT/MU
Would like to be able to mass add tests with a default value using a processing list. As students pass their IL and US Government tests (required), it would be nice to be able to mass add these by their Government class or by processing list with a default value of "Pass".
1 vote -
Discipline widget
Can a widget be created to show on the home screen when an office managed discipline referral has been created? It would be like Employee Access when a staff member requests time off, a widget can be turned on for the approver to see the requests on the home screen. This would be helpful in the event that automated emails aren't working correctly, the principal would always get to see referrals upon logging in to skyward.
5 votes -
Give check box option for preferred name in reports
My teachers have the option to display the preferred name (other name from the general tab) in their grade books. When they print reports the student's legal name shows. They would like a check box in the report templates to show preferred name for students. With more and more students preferring a different name that legal and state reporting we want to use the other name field and not change the student key.
5 votes -
Please make student's current teacher and all admininstration, actually all staff available to see a screen by using an email staff button feature as used in certain fields. This would be great especially for attendance and discipline.
Thank you,2 votes -
screen personalization as in with filters
Please consider making the individual screens adustable to personal preference. Such as the width of the columns and the order in which the columns are displayed. Just like in the filter settings. I guess in a nutshell, please make all screens filter friendly. It would be such a great help in viewing especially since the whole screens do not show and we may not use each columns info. I know I can adjust them manually but it needs to be done each time the screen comes up.
Very much needed in attendance by activity and assigning substitutes in the staff…2 votes -
progress report attendance
Currently, the progress report email to parents are counting the total periods missed by a student and not the days based off of the calendar. Would like to have an option for days based off of the calendar
1 vote -
In need of a report that shows the date/time a gradebook was updated.
It would be helpful for our Principal to be able to run a report that shows the last time/date a gradebook was updated. There are reports in Skyward that show times/dates for Parent/Student access and the last time/date Attendance was updated for each class. This would help to ensure all gradebooks are up-to-date and grades being reported are the most current.
6 votes
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