Student Management Suite
1601 results found
Would it be possible to create a field in the attendance entry by date screen to record the time and it would autofill the correct periods.
Would it be possible to create a field in the attendance entry by date screen to enter the in/out time and it would autofill the correct periods based off the students schedule. We have 4 grade levels with different time periods. At this time, we need to go into the student record to confirm the period with the time for each student.
3 votes -
Add the ability for Portfolio Import utility to link with the Student State ID, to allow import of PSAT/SAT, IAR results
Add the ability for Portfolio import utility to link the Illinois state ID, to allow import of IAR and other state and college Board test results.
5 votes -
Please ADD "Select All"/"Check Boxes" Option when Cloning Events Across Entities
In WS/EA/GB/ST/PS/UT/CE, please add the option to "Select All", "Unselect All", and check boxes. We have one teacher at each grade level create all events for Lang Arts and Math in their Gradebooks. Then, we clone those to all other teachers, at fourteen elementary schools. At one grade level, I'm having to manually "Select" then "Add" 68 classes in this process.
2 votes -
Family Home Language
The Home Language field has been causing issues during enrollment. If a family is marked as 835-Spanish that populates into the LEP Home Language for the student also. The LEP form for that student is all 211 - English, but it currently has 835 - Spanish. Now someone must remember to update that field. I think it would save time and errors if the two fields were not linked. If they were not linked there could be a field add to the student that would allow us to populate the Home Language from the enrollment form.
Donna1 vote -
Prevent deletion of Evaluation
From Student Services, Special Education, Student Profile, it is too easy to delete a student's Evaluation, which also deletes al IEPs, forms, placements and disabilities under that Evaluation.
3 votes -
student indicators for pref pronouns and preferred name
Teachers/office staff would like to have an indicator for preferred pronouns. With the coming for ed-fi and needing to record it on the identity tab it would be helpful to have that area listed under the student indicators. Right now I do use it under student categories but I don't want to enter the info in two places. While in the same area it would also help if the preferred name was include in the indicators. We are having a hard time keeping track of students preferred names with their legal names when comparing state reports and info from other…
7 votes -
Search Email History by subject
Add Subject to the filter options in Email History.
7 votes -
change filter/layout
be able to change filter/layout in all screens to benefit our usage in student management
2 votes -
Footer Information on Special Education Paper work
In the footer section of special education paperwork, the student's name and date the form was printed appears at the bottom. The font is extremely small. It would be nice if the font was bigger so it is easier to read and see. I have been told by Skyward the size is hard coded so it would have to be a programming change which would affect all users.
4 votes -
+ attendance mark present only if in the correct place instead of anywhere
Positive Attendance is based on the Period, not the Class. So students can scan into any device they want for the day but the Positive Attendance Log is what you use to catch those students and discipline them appropriately
We would like a feature that only allows students to scan in and be marked present in the class they are schedule for.
1 vote -
enrollment report today
We would like to add today as a range option for the Enrollment Report under Student/Office/Attendance/Reports in order to run it as a scheduled tasks. I run this report everyday and I have to change the date range.
3 votes -
Have GLO mass change unique to entity
When using mass add to change the GLO for student records it's changing it for all enrollment records, not just for a specific entity. With needing different GLOs for EC, EE, PS, etc. it would be helpful if you changed the GLO for only that entity record, not all. If you ran it from 000 it could/would change the GLO for all records. Having to hand change all records to EE or EC or HK on individual enrollment records it time consuming and a hassle to be compliant with ed-fi.
7 votes -
Add Default Entity Column in Staff
Please add the Entity ID column to the General Staff view... if I switch to the Entity view I don't get their title, email, name ID, DPI Ed #, etc... if I switch to the General view I don't get their Entity. Just need that one field on the General view. Thank you!!!
3 votes -
teacher license number and student state ID on same report
We would like to be able to have a report with students' state ID number and teacher license number. This is required for our screener which is required by the state.
3 votes -
Adding guardian information to Educator Access
The teachers are not able to view the boxes for the custodial parent and pick up. The parents have to be added for their educational rights in the family section, however the teachers cannot see any notes or if the custodial/pick up boxes are checked. Therefore could release a child to the non-custodial parent without knowing that they didn't have custody. This is a legal issue that needs to be corrected as soon as possible.
2 votes -
Interactive Scheduling Board Export
It would be super helpful if I didn't have to choose my options every time that I want to export my interactive scheduling board to excel. We use this for our master and I have to go in and click the same things every single time. It's very frustrating and time consuming.
5 votes -
Mobile ID Card - Make available to parents in Skyward Family Access mobile app
PLEASE make the Mobile ID Card for students available so that it can be enabled on the Family Access side for the Parent App! We need this for the ability to scan when parents come to pick up their students early or in the event of a reunification event as well as many other uses. Thank you!
2 votes -
Academic Areas - Please take away cross-entity ability to see/edit/delete
It would be very helpful if the academic areas was only available to view per entity, editing is only allowed in entity subject/skill was connected to, subjects/skills are only available for other entity to clone and not for them to edit or delete, and/or a "canned filter" is available to filter out other entities.
Example: Currently, if our high school secretaries go into the academic areas they are able to edit and delete the subjects and skills entered in the elementary entity. If the high school adds academic areas they are mixed right in with the elementary ones. Also if…
3 votes -
Updating Staff information (like SSN)
It would be nice if there were more options when it comes to updating staff information. I would like to delete all the SSNs for all staff in particular, but right now that is a manual task.
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We need a mass add staff classification!
We have over 600 teachers/admin in our district who need Student Support Plans and Teacher classification to get into IIEP. We have done this manually for most, but we constantly have new staff and it is hard to go into each person one by one to "make sure" they have it. Why isn't this a utility yet? It is necessary for DEX.
14 votes
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