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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1601 results found

  1. Support SAML group claims for security groups

    We implemented LDAP group syncing for security groups which worked well for us for as we transitioned to SAML authentication to support passwordless logins and multi-factor authentication it does not function correctly. We need to the user to login via LDAP to update their groups or manual expand the groups for SAML users to update their LDAP group memberships.

    I think long term it would be better to support SAML claims which can be used to replace LDAP group syncing and to dynamically populate security groups. This can be a 1:1 mapping or provide an option similar to LDAP groups…

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  2. Add Gender to the Identity tab

    It would help if gender were on the Identity tab so we could specify the gender per DOE reports.

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  3. Change Family Access Users to be entity specific when not in District Entity.

    When a staff member has access to one entity, they should not have the ability to access any parent, student, or teacher from the entire district.
    Our secretaries assist parents, students, and teachers for a variety of areas from registration, trouble shooting in the gradebook, etc. Their access should include ONLY the entity they have access to, not the entire district. This is a privacy and security issue! When I placed a service call to see if there was a configuration to limit a specific entity, the answer was to have each staff member check the box "Only show guardians…

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  4. Ability for parents to attachment documents such as Doctors Notes to Absence Request, or updated shot records to Health Info

    It would be nice for the parents to have the ability to attach/upload documents into the Family Access center. The documents would then be attached to the student and stored in Skyward instead of microfiche.

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  5. customize columns as in filters for ALL screens especially office to class/activities.

    Please make all the windows adjustable to a custom view. Column width is the biggest issue. Especiall in the "office to class/activies. There are many, almost all windows are adjustable, but they do not stay that way from student to student etc. Since we all use different info and have different amount of class periods we don't have to continue to adjust and modify around columns we don't use.

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  6. Add period field from the grades tab to data mining

    It would really help if the period field under the grading area could be added to data mining.

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  7. Spell Check

    Is it possible to add a spelling and grammar check to the special education forms so when staff is typing information on the forms, spell check and grammar check is happening?

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  8. District option for student indicators

    We have many student indicators that are district wide. It would be helpful if you could add the indicator from 000 and it would be a district indicator and if you added the indicator from an entity it would be entity specific.

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  9. Add the ability to sort by class for the student missing assignment report

    Allow the gradebook student missing assignment report to sort by a class and teacher, so this report can be run and given to the study hall/pride time teacher for that student to make sure those students know what they should be working on in study hall/Pride Time.

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  10. Staff Crosswalk Between HR & Student Management

    For those of us who have combined databases, it would be really helpful if the staff information for their State/WISEid and DPI Educator File Number (Entity ID) would automatically crosswalk/populate from their HR information when we add the person to the staff list in Student Management. A lot of other useful information copies over from HR when we add the person as staff on the SM side. This would save a lot of time & double entry since we have to have this information on their SM record for state reporting (course associations)

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  11. When marking time slots attended, it would be nice to have a symbol or something to make it easier from the calendar view.

    When you look at the appointment slots on the calendar view, it would be helpful if there was a symbol or something that would show up after the slot was marked as attended /no show.
    It is tricky to keep track of the ones that have been marked as you have to click into the slot to open up the dialogue box.

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  12. n the diabetes care log, it is required to enter a blood glucose number. We have situations in which the glucometer reads "high". This ind

    In the diabetes care log, it is required to enter a blood glucose number. We have situations in which the glucometer reads "high". This indicates the blood glucose is too high to be read by the meter. Can you add a box that says "glucometer reading high"? We are unable to record a value when it reads high, but we need to document the meter reading.

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  13. Food Service

    Food Service to help meet the new Verification Summary Report with ISBE 2023.
    They are now asking for students that have extension of benefits. If we could have in WS\FS\PM\PA customer control records at field that allows us to mark as extended benefits.
    They are also not wanting the REDUCED MEDICAID directly certified students to pull into the verification. They do however want to know the number of students individually receiving the benefit.

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  14. Create a report of manually applied coursework

    The ability to run a report of manually applied coursework in the graduation requirements would be helpful. Our Principals are supposed to approve all manually applied coursework and would like to audit this coursework. Currently, they have to go to each individual student profile to audit if coursework has been manually applied.

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  15. Earned Industry Certification

    "Earned Industry Certifications" was added to the "Vocational Ed" tab on the student profile, but this field isn't available in Data Mining. So we can't pull a list of student's who have it. Can we get this added to Data Mining?

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  16. Mass delete processing lists

    I would like to be able to mass delete processing lists created within a date range.

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  17. watercolor

    It would be nice if there was a watercolor feature to add to Custom Forms when used for student forms such as a Certified Compulsory Attendance form or Transcripts when printed as Unofficial.

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  18. email

    Counselors would like to be able to include the students administrator and counselor when they send out emails from the student profile schedule screen. Currently, only the teachers show up. Need to have a counselor and school admin field added to this email name selection view screen?

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  19. Include Other ID in 1804

    Please include student Other ID in the 1804 - Summer Membership report. While the report DOES calculate a unique number of students enrolled and the number of resident enrollments, we partner with community sites to offer numerous programs (that aren't in Skyward) and we have to combine their data with ours to get these totals. For the most part, community sites gather the students ID with their registrations so that we don't have to add it; however, with it not currently on the 1804 we STILL must add it to our report, usually with a vlookup, which is tricky because…

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  20. Make Student Indicators follow students from entity to entity

    When a student moves from one school to the other, it would be helpful if the indicator followed. For example, RTI Referral. If the student switches schools right after an RIT is submitted, the teacher or administrator is not going to think about emailing the next school this information, especially if it is just a normal transfer from elementary to middle school.

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