Student Management Suite
1601 results found
Mass Email Account Reset Link based on Processing List or Reset Needed
The current ranges within the Mass Email Account Reset Link utility are very limited. It would be helpful two have the following two options: 1) Email based on processing list; and 2) Email only users who have not reset their password within the current school year.
3 votes -
Add <login ID> field to automated email system
Presently, there is no way to configure an automatic email to students containing their Student Access Login ID—not unless you configure the username to be the same as a currently existing field, such as namekey. Ideally, we would want to configure an automated email based on the Enrollment Change/Student Entered trigger with the ability to insert <login ID>.
3 votes -
Mass add payment plans from a processing list
Mass add payment plans from a processing list, currently have to do this one by one per student account.
2 votes -
I would like to see more security limits under WS\ST\TB\PR\PR . I don't want them to be able to change student’s names here.
I want our secretaries to be able to update the "General Information" but I don't want them to be able to change the legal "Student Name".
3 votes -
Please allow for a larger font size when printing schedules - perhaps offiering a landscape option would allow the fonts to become larger.
Please allow for a larger font size when printing schedules - perhaps offering a landscape option would allow the fonts to become larger.
4 votes -
SpEd ACT Form to mimic the Forward Form layout (with the dropdown options)
This past year we worked with Skyward on the Forward Form to clean up the accommodations and designated supports to ONLY be able to choose options that apply to Wisconsin in the drop down. We put in a support ticket to see if we could do that same for the ACT Form. Skyward doesn't have any current plans to do so and advised that we submit an idea. Our Director / DAC, requested that we submit the idea in hopes they would change their mind and reconsider this option.
1 vote -
training options to help families navigate the mobile app and troubleshooting issues
When families run into issues using the app I am not able to help them. I don't have any training on the app and I can't get into it as a parent to see what they are viewing. Is there any way to at least add training videos?
4 votes -
Include photo on medication administration screen
I would like to suggest the feature of always displaying the student photo (not via a click or a hover, but always visible) on the window for medication administration. This would add another layer of certainty that the nurse is verifying that they have the correct student before administering any medication.
9 votes -
Add Button to View Application Letter at WS\ST\TB\FS\FS
Having the ability to click a button and view an individual student's food service application on the food service tab would be very helpful by saving precious time.
1 vote -
Add field to Emergency Information Report to include "Pick Up"
Add field to canned report underneath student reports, Emergency Information Report, to include "Pick Up". There are instances where there is an individual who is not authorized to pick up the child even though they are a contact.
4 votes -
Student Profile Column Adjustment
Would love the ability to adjust the size of the Activity Tab column (left to right) in Student Profile. Would also be nice if the columns that get adjusted would remain the size you chose until they were altered again.
3 votes -
Tech at Home --- Required Fields
We have a district with a High Free and Reduced Population. Families move around a lot -- so circumstance change on internet / computer access. There is a field in NSOE -- but we are unable to make it Required. We also opened up the fields in Returning Student Registration - but families bypass this. So now my data isn't correct for the new year as we put an end date in for last year.
1 vote -
In Substitute Assignments, it would be great to have an option that limits access to attendance only. This way one day or temporary subs could take attendance like a teacher without needing a paper roster. This would also prevent them from having access to modifying student grades.
2 votes -
Changes to Bar Code Report
Option to print the Other ID on bar code label
Additional label format options
Ability to change the font size on the label2 votes -
default fee due dates
When student fees are pushed out at the start of the year through the mass fee creation utility they are able to all be given a specific due date. As students are enrolled and scheduled after running the mass fee creation utility, their fees due date are the date that the course is added. Same with when a schedule is changed, the due date for the new course fees is the date the course was added. This creates an issue when parents go to view their fees and any new fees will show up as past due. It would be…
4 votes -
default cursor to search field in all list screens
currently when you open a list screen the cursor is no where. You have to click on the search field. It should automatically put the cursor there so I can start typing. It already does this on the student profile.
1 vote -
Add sort by Family ID for Student fee statements
Please add a sort by Family ID when printing Student fee statements. We manually have to do this every year.
1 vote -
Would like to be able to view a student's Current English Proficiency Level in Educator Access Plus
Would like teachers to be able to see a student's Current English Proficiency Level in Educator Access Plus.
1 vote -
Do Not Report Report as Primary School to Ed-Fi
I have beef with the "Do Not Report as Primary School to Ed-Fi" checkbox in the entry record. I would like to exclude these students in entity counts, when mass scheduling fees, and when mass scheduling students. There are several reports I would like to exclude them from as well. Having this option would be very helpful, thank you!! ;)
2 votes -
Please add fields from the Misc tab in the Special Prgms area. This will help when sending summer school data to the state. Data is sent differently since the entity isn't state reported.
5 votes
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