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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1593 results found

  1. Replace Gender with Gender Identity in the header area within Student Management

    In Student Management there is the ability for users to pick fields (customize) they want displayed on the header area. Please either add Gender Identity as an option or replace (preferred option) the current Gender field option with the Gender Identity field.

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  2. Maintain File Date Stamp

    I would like to recommend a way to know when your maintain file was extracted last and who the user was. This assists in knowing where you are in the process when multiple people might be working the file as well as time/date stamp is also helpful to know for the purpose of determining the accuracy of the data.

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  3. 9 votes

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  4. Sort Mailing Labels by Student Last Name or Student Demographic Fields

    The Family Census Report where you can run Family Mailing labels does not have the ability to be sorted alphabetically by student last name.

    You also cannot run mailing labels based on basic demographic indicators.

    For instance, we want to run all free and reduced students mailing labels and organize them by student last name alphabetically.

    Data mining is NOT an option that can be used for this because our secretaries do not have security access to enter the food service password to run these reports.

    There are multiple times a year when the nurse needs to send out notifications…

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  5. Processing List added to the Attendance Template for State Reporting in IL

    I am requesting a processing list button to be added to the State Reporting Attendance template for my Attendance upload. This processing list button would be VERY HELPFUL to upload students that are attending under the learning option of Full Remote. Our student have had the option to attend hybrid or remote so I would have two different processing list and that button would make this process MUCH MORE efficient. Thank you and please advise. :)

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  6. Printing Electronic Signature Pages Within IEP/EVAL Forms

    When enabling an electronic signature on an IEP/EVAL form, it would be critical to have the ability to print that electronic signature within the form. This is essential when a student trasnfers to another district, and signature pages of consent are required to be sent. The ability to effectively use an electornic signature in SPED forms requires the capability to include that signature wtihin the form, as if the guardian signed it manually in person.

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  7. The length of the student middle name field needs to be bigger

    We have students with two or more middle names and/or two or more last names. The DOE wants their middle name reported as it appears on the birth certificate (last name, and first name as well) I have a student now who will always fail my STN report because his middle name won't fit. Can we add a character or two to the length of that field?

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  8. Processing lists - Grade and Status options

    It would be helpful to have additonal filter ranges in adding students to a processing list. Could grade and status be added the filter options?

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  9. Add MOI to Class Count Reports

    Please add MOI to the Class Count reports to simplify seeing the numbers of students in each group.

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  10. Canvas/Skyward integration, remove missing mark that was previously synced

    Work with Canvas integration so that when a previously "unscored and marked as zero" assignment is actually scored and then resynced, the "Missing" mark is removed; currently, the grade is transferred but the missing mark is not removed in Skyward and has to be removed by assignment, and/or by student.

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  11. Add extract comments to SkyBuild for why you are extracting a field, or how it was built

    When coding some complicated extracts, or adding numerical filters it would be nice to add a comment to the line to remind you 'why' you are extracting that field, or how a compound (group) field is being extracted that way.

    IE - 'Building Student Login ID from 1 char of FN, then Student ID for a A01234567890 formatting login. OR 'Default student password is MI or 'N' if no MI plus DOB in MM-DD-YYY format for a A01-02-2003 formatted password.

    OR - Add a large open textbox, optional of course, at the top where you can add things like, Who…

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  12. Current Scheduling Start Date

    If a student RE-enrolls the same school year, we would like the START DATE on the student's currently scheduling profile to change to the new re-enrolled date. Example: Student entry 9/8, withdraws 10/2, RE-enrolls 11/5. The START DATE still shows 9/8. We want it to say 11/5.

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  13. Student Access - Distance Learning Attendance Check In

    Create a "check-in" process on distance learing days in which students or their families must check in once per day through Student and/or Family Access. If students don't check in by 11:59PM on any given distance learning day, they will be marked as Unexcused/Not Checked In. See attached example from Infinite Campus.

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  14. Please, please, please could you link MOI to Attendance?

    It would be the best way to track the dates that students are in and out of the building for remote learning, quarantine, and in-person. It would also be nice if the MOI would default to in-person. So if they went out on quarantine and the dates were pre entered, they would automatically go back to in-person when the dates were ended and they came back from quarantine. Currently tracking the dates for students in and out status is very difficult. Especially for things like Indiana's FSSA EBT card requirements should they ask again.

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  15. 9 votes

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  16. class roster report add guardian email to details to print

    Adding the option to print guardian email on the Class Roster Report under Office\Current Scheduling\Reports.

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  17. Parent conference confirmation emails - include guardian phone number field

    With COVID making conferences virtual instead of in person, our conference scheduler will be setting up scheduled phone calls. It would be very helpful to be able to include the parent/guardian phone number in the confirmation email to confirm that as the contact number.

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  18. skylert attendance export (COVID related enhancement)

    With distance learning we need the ability to pull the Skylert attendance export for the previous day's absences. We allow students to work throughout the day so teachers can adjust attendance the following morning. We'd like to continue using our automated attendance calls via School Messenger but have them turned off because there is no option from this area (WS\AD\SL) to run the export on the previous day. Please add a field that would allow us to select the previous day.

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  19. Add Processing List to Period Detail and Summary Attendence Reports and 'Today's Date' for scheduling the report

    Teachers are now able to go back and edit attendance if students submitted work by 11:59 pm in all of Texas. There is no report that can be run that allows the user to default to "today's date" and allows a Processing list to be used. We need to add the Processing List feature to the "Period Detail" attendance report or the ability to add "today's date" as a setting for the "Attendance Detail or Summary" report. This is the only way we can set up absent reports that can run on a scheduled task. This is a critical need…

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  20. Academic Area report

    Our secondary schools have transitioned to standards based gradebooks. It would be helpful to have a report that would list the academic area and the courses assigned. We had to manually go through each academic area to make sure each one of our courses was assigned to an area. What could have been done in a matter of minutes with a report that could be exported to Excel, ended up taking 16 hours to go through one by one at each secondary school.

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