Student Management Suite
1593 results found
Add school issued device to student check out form
Can we add, to the student check out form, an area to indicate that their school issued device has been returned? Or better yet, could we add in the Web Access AUP area, a way to indicate who has a device and possibly the tracking number on it? Maybe have the ability to import from Destiny (as an example). Then have that pull into the form as well.
15 votes -
Message Center
It would be great if on the message center, you could also have a Staff selection. Alot of times, I send out district wide messages for fundraisers and such. For staff, I enter additional names. That is time consuming and I honestly could forget someone. Having that option to select staff along with teachers, parents and students would be a huge help...because teachers do not include staff.
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COVID Wellness Screening customize
COVID Wellness Screening customize the fields according to each schools needs.
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Add a Family to a student by Family ID
We have so many situations when a parent be required to enroll/register their children at multiple schools in our district. If one registrar searches for them by using a parent's middle name, another uses the parent's middle initial, and another one leaves it out entirely then we end up having to combine multiple accounts. We do keep stressing to them to check for matches. If the student is already registered and they need to add a Family #2, if they could have the screen open of a sibling and pick that same family ID number instead of having to type…
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NSOE - Guardian's Additional Information for Student
There is a field where guardians can give any extra information that they feel is important for the student they are enrolling. The problem we have is that the information is only available once you click to process or view the application. 1. There is no option to turn this field off (we could use a custom form to capture this) or 2. have the information print on the Quick Print report where you can print the application and all the custom forms in one place. We would like one of the two options made available to accurately process applications.
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Waitlist for classes currently full
A feature that would be very helpful for counselors would be a waitlist for students to go on if room in a class opens up. For example, if a student requests to take an elective class but it is currently full if we could have a waitlist feature that we can put students on that either enrolls them in the class if a spot opens or sends us an email letting us know a spot opens. It is too difficult to remember classes that students want to take and if you have multiple counselors working on scheduling you don't know…
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Student Management Configuration Pop-up Alert for Parental Consent Notes
In the Product Setup, Skyward Customer Access, Student Management area, you can set the configuration to turn on a Pop-up for Critical Alerts. We would like to see a Pop-up for Parental Consent Notes as well. We have many Critical Alerts, so it becomes unwieldy to add the Parental Consents as Critical Alerts, to use that functionality. Too many pop-ups are annoying. But a separate Parental Consent pop-up would make sure staff knew if a custody issue existed when parents are picking up their students.
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Headcount By Grade, Race, Gender and Socioeconomic Status - Add "Today" date option
Please add a date option to run for "Today" so that this report can be scheduled to run daily and report today's enrollment count.
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Health office
I think it would be great if the nurse or the health office aid added an office visit and selected "keep in office" that it would automatically show up in the student's attendance for that hour. That way the teacher could see it right away without having to ask the person in charge of attendance to do it or requiring a call to the teacher.
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Mass Print Registration Information After Approval
This is actually for New and Returning Student Enrollment. We would like the ability to mass print the required forms/information for students' Cumulative folders after approving registrations. Much like batching, if a campus approves multiple enrollments for that day or week, they need to be able to easily print out those forms from registrations that have been approved. Right now, they have to either build a processing list to use with the Custom Forms/Student Information Report area, or manually add names that they need within the Reports area. It would be much more proficient to have the ability to print…
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Gifted added to Mass Add End Local Programs
We REALLY need the Gifted Records to be an option in the Mass Add/End Special/Local Programs area! As far as I can tell the records have to be added each year. When pulling AD only current year records (open or closed) will pull. Any previous years records (even when left open) will NOT pull. The importance of keeping year to year records can be understood as grant funding is involved and we don't want open records that aren't really in the program any more to pull and report to DOE. With that said when a school (one middle school) of…
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Skylert -Add Student Fields
Add more student related fields such as student phone number and student email. Why does Skylert just have to be geared towards parents? Why can't students be included?
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Roster of Special Programs
In the Roster of Special Programs it would be helpful to allow the option to only print for the primary teacher.
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Bus number drop-down box
Create a drop-down box of district bus numbers instead of this data being hand entered. This issue is resulting in errors to occur in data which is then creating funding issues from the state on transportation dollars. It would be very helpful to have this drop-down box to eliminate the errors in this part of the program.
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Add Withdrawal date to Customize area on Stu Prof
Currently in the Customize area of the Student Profile you can opt to show the student's current enrollment date which displays only if the student is active. If the student is inactive the field shows as blank. It would be helpful if this field would switch to show the most recent withdrawal date if the student is inactive. This would be helpful to view when working in other screens to see when the student became inactive for the campus/district especially in regard to PEIMS coding. Currently you would have to open a new window to view the E/W screen or…
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Student Grading Notifications
We recently started using Student Access Grading Notifications and informed our students how to set them up. We would like to know how many students are actually using this feature but there isn't a way for us to see that. We would like to see a view added to the Student Access Users Screen similar to what is seen in the Family Access Users Screen titled "Email Notification Alerts." This would give us a quick glance of who has and who hasn't signed up for email grading notifications.
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Utility to mass change "Date Due"
Need the ability to mass change "Date Due" on items within the textbook tracker. Specific to devices and not textbooks for students and staff who keep their iPad or Laptop over the summer and through the next school year.
This feature will be a time saver to admin/campus staff when updating inventory and due date information to be able to run a utility to change a due date for a specific date criteria to reflect a new date a year in the future will save having to adjust records one by one.15 votes -
Our district offers many AP courses and we are required to have the trademark symbol after the letters AP on any of our course descriptions in the catalog transcript report card or any report. Skyward does not allow us to enter the symbol and converts it to (R). I just want to make sure that we document that we have tried to comply with the request made and that if any legal actions are taken that it is not held against the district because of the inability to accomplish this in Skyward. I have spoke to a customer representative from…
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NSOE Addresses
Is there a way to make all the fields in the address appear in the proper case such as initial caps or all caps. Perhaps allow control to each district to choose case.
It seems we tend to have a lot of clean up from NSOE.
To have proper case either initial caps or all caps with a choice per district to choose the case of the letters.15 votes -
When creating Staff at entity; have option to go directly to security area to add security for that staff person
When creating a Staff member, a teacher for example, it would be nice to have a box to check to 'Add Security' and upon saving that set up, be taken directly to the Secured User area to that specific staff members account and add their security without having to move out of the Staff area and into the security area and then retype in the staff name and expand to add the security. This could go hand in hand with adding and effective date to start or end security and / or active or inactive status of staff. Definite time…
14 votes
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