Ability to drop all classes for a student on the student Profile Schedule screen
In our elementary schools, we have many students who start with one teacher and have several classes assigned from that one teacher using a scheduling group. When that student changes teachers each class has to be dropped manually on the Current Scheduling area on the student profile. The ability to choose to drop all and enter one effective date would be great, or at least the same screen as when adding classes and entering effective dates for each class on one screen would work. The same as when using the schedule all button on the add course button. This would save a lot of time when students need to change teachers who have multiple courses assigned to them.

Yanira Benavides commented
Adding the ability to delete the entire schedule under Student Profile>Scheduling tab will be very benefitial. Similar to the utility located under WS\OF\FS\SS\BS\BS (utilities: Mass Delete Schedule). If the same utility can be added under student profile, we can give access to specific users and during a specific time in the year.
Amy Bagwell commented
Just found out that you can mass drop/delete an individual student's schedule and it will still create the Transaction records that we need for TN state reporting. Go to Office> Current Scheduling> Student Schedule Generation> Entry by Student> Enter the student’s name in the bottom right> Expand> Click Utilities> Mass Delete Schedule> Enter the Effective Date> select Drop/Inactivate for classes without Grades or Delete (I only use Delete before school starts)> Run
Hope this helps! :)
Michelle Falkinham commented
You can drop all the class at the same time using the Walk-In Scheduler on the student's schedule tab.
You can use the Walk-In Scheduler to add all of the courses, too, but you would have to select them as requests and then auto schedule. It would be just as easy to use the Add Course screen and just display the courses for that particular teacher & add them. There is also the Build Schedule area. I have never used it, but it looks like it migh work for what you are looking for.