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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1593 results found

  1. We need a mass add staff classification!

    We have over 600 teachers/admin in our district who need Student Support Plans and Teacher classification to get into IIEP. We have done this manually for most, but we constantly have new staff and it is hard to go into each person one by one to "make sure" they have it. Why isn't this a utility yet? It is necessary for DEX.

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  2. Precoded attendance show on attendance worksheets for substitutes

    It would be helpful if attendance that has already been coded like field trips, on campus testing, etc would appear on paper attendance for substitutes. This would save attendance clerks lots of times having to go back and forth to see who is really absent and who isn't.

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  3. Add full change history of family information to family history area along with who made the change date/time.

    Add full change history of any family information to family history area along with who made the change date/time.

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  4. Ability to drop all classes for a student on the student Profile Schedule screen

    In our elementary schools, we have many students who start with one teacher and have several classes assigned from that one teacher using a scheduling group. When that student changes teachers each class has to be dropped manually on the Current Scheduling area on the student profile. The ability to choose to drop all and enter one effective date would be great, or at least the same screen as when adding classes and entering effective dates for each class on one screen would work. The same as when using the schedule all button on the add course button. This would…

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  5. Ability to view who has requested a login and password for NSOE application to follow up if they completed the application

    I need to be able to see who requested a login and password to apply and did not complete the application. Ran into issues with families thinking they had applied and it was not complete.

    If an email could be auto generated to me for anyone requesting a login and password to complete the NSOE, I could monitor to see if they complete the application and email them to see if they need assistance if they did not.

    I was able to download the emails from Product setup > System Admin > email history > into an excel document. Then…

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  6. Guardian 1 and Guardian 2 should be able to set their own ranges for grading email notifications.

    Parents have the capability to turn on/off grading email notifications. However, only guardian 1 is permitted to set the ranges. If the option is going to be offered to each parent, then each parent should be able to set their preferences. Mom may want to be notified every time her child receives a grade above 90, but dad/stepdad would only want to be notified when a grade of failing is received. Current set up is limiting parent participation in child's educational progress.

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  7. MOI printing on reports

    Our district would like for the attendance reports to actually PRINT MOI (method of instruction on the report itself

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  8. Add Effective Date on Staff Maintenance

    Hello: We often get communication from our HR Department indicating an employee exit with a specific date. Typically that date is in the future. It would be extremely convenient if and effective date could be added to the Staff Entity Maintenance area to flag the exact date that the staff member should be flagged to Inactive. This would eliminate having to "Save" HR notifications and then remembering to inactive or activate the staff member based on information from HR.

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  9. email report cards

    Several of our schools have been asking for the ability to email report cards in a mass process. They have been posting online but less and less parents are going into Family Access to check so they are considering going back to a mailed report card.

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  10. It would be very helpful for our secretaries/registrars if the District Category code could be added to the Day Summary report. Thansk!

    It would be very helpful for our secretaries/registrars if the District Category code could be added to the Day Summary report. Thanks!

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  11. Add the ability to send parent notifications for attendance entered for prior dates as well as today

    With remote learning attendance, corrections can be made up to a week later. We need the ability for Family Access notifications to include not just attendance entered today for today, but attendance entered today for a prior date.

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  12. Add a way for teachers to adjust the default for attendance

    Currently, the gradebook attendance defaults to being present. Virtual teachers now have to mark students virtual each day to be counted present. It would be nice if teachers could change the default so they would all show virtual instead of present or have a way to mark all students at once so you don't have to click on each student individually. Thanks!!

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  13. Need to able to view and update Student Wellness screening in EA+

    We need an EA+ (mobile and web) view of screener results that updates/refreshes live - a list of kids in 1st period and their screener results. We need to be able to stop students immediately as they walk in the classroom door if the screener result is fail or blank. This preventative measure can't be done at the building level - it will be done at the classroom level by their first teacher of the day. We are picturing something similar to the Post Daily Attendance screen but with a date, list of kids, and results.

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  14. Translation software

    Google Translate used to work with Skyward. Since it no does, it would be great if Skyward built that feature into FA.

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  15. All Fields in Data Mining Should Also Be Available As Insertable Fields For Automated Emails and Messages

    It seems odd that only specific fields are available to be inserted into Automated Emails and none are available in the Messaging Center. It would be extremely helpful to have the ability to create an Automated Email using all the fields available via data mining.

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  16. Other name fields needs a greater reach

    The other name field needs a greater reach. We have students who go by different names and the other name field only applies to the class roster report and the gradebook. Would love to see the other name field utilized in student/family access. food service POS. Fee management customer fields. etc

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  17. Automated Email for Staff Changes

    We would like to have an automated e-mail generated when a staff member becomes inactive in an entity. An e-mail could then be generated to the Skyward admin who handles the User Accounts, prompting a change in their Active Secured User status to NO.

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  18. Processing Lists filters

    When creating a Processing List, be able to select "Active Students" of a particular Entity in the filter. After clicking on Add/Delete, it pulls a list of students that have ever been enrolled in the entity even if they have moved or graduated.

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  19. Delete a Parent from Family and Emergency Tabs at the Same Time

    Currently, when deleting a parent from a Family when a parent passes away, Skyward does not delete that parent from the Emergency Contact tab. It's very troubling to me when I forget to remove a parent from the emergency tab who has passed away even though I did remove them from the Family tab.

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  20. Add Date and Expiration Option to Critical Alert Messages

    Everyone uses the Critical Alert field for much more than health options. The flag is nice and the option to have it pop-up to display. Our district especially uses this for parent issues, legal issues and much more. The problem is, that over time these messages are terribly outdated as a student's career progresses at a district. There should be a date field entered that includes a start/end date with an option to have the Critical Alert expire! Then it will auto-turn off the message when the user so desires to have it do so. If they want to leave…

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