Need to Be able to have 2 different codes
Need to have 2 codes for tardy Kiosk. One generic code for tardy arriving and one generic code for leaving students. Skyward only provides 1 tardy kiosk code for entire district. We want to be able to track by entity and to have 2 machines with 2 different codes in entity. The positive attendance piece does not work for this as it resets with every attendance mod within the school day. We have students leaving all hours of the day and cannot have time reset every single period. The tardy kiosk will keep the time open all day so we can track our in and out students the entire day. Many schools are looking for a better way to track students in and out of their buildings for safety and security reasons. At this time students are moving in and out of their buildings all day for work college classes etc. We need a way to track who comes in at what time and who leaves at what time. By enabling the tardy kiosk to have a code per machine (say 2). One for in and one for out. This would help tremendously for student tracking accountability.