Blended Families
Would like an option to have 50/50 families in Skyward instead of Family 1 and Family 2. When doing a mailing, sometimes you only want actual custodial families to get the info, so a Family 2 may not be appropriate. And then there are other times when you want a custodial parent to get the info, but if you are only mailing to family 1, that family won't get it. The family setup is not real conducive to the reality of family situations that we deal with.

Terri Olson commented
Absolutely... the Family 1 and Family 2 fields have been an issue with 50/50 families. One gets rights to see food service, and make changes, etc., and the other doesn't.
Cheryl Burt commented
This has been an issue forever. It would TOTALLY make sense to have this option.