Student Management Suite
1599 results found
Link Calendar to Attendance for Emergency Days
Currently when we have an emergency day (snow day, cold day, etc), we need to manually go into each entity and delete out attendance for pre-arranged absences, etc. When editing the calendar for these days, it would be much more efficient and so helpful if a pop-up could ask if we want to delete student attendance for specific/all entities/schools.
7 votes -
"Start time" for online registration
I would love to have an option to set a "start" time for online registration and maybe allow it viewable to parents in Family Access . If they try to register, they'll see the date and time that it will open.
Start Online Registration on Thursday, 8/13/2020 Time: 8:00 am
End Online Registration on Friday, 10/2/2020 Time: 5:00 pmIf we schedule registration for a specific day, it automatically opens up at midnight, and we come in to a plethora of emails from parents who needed assistance. If we can set a time on it, it allows for us…
10 votes -
Giving teachers capability to take previous days attendance for class and not individually
Our teachers will be taking attendance for a school day the following day. We are doing Asynchronous Remote which gives the student until Midnight to log in.
When the teacher logs in to take attendance it pulls up the current day and they are having to click on each individual student to record the previous day.
Is there a way for them to mark the class as a whole for the previous day?13 votes -
Star Time and End Time for On Line Features
It would extremely helpful if along with the date for On Line Registrationa and On Line Forms, if there would be a start and stop TIME as well. There is some confusion when choosing the dates as to what time the on line applications will actually start and end or if an administrator wants the application "turned on" per se at 2:00 today and end on Friday at 4:00PM - we are are not able to manage those time requests.
Please advise.
Thank you!
Leonita Loomans
WBSD9 votes -
Data Mining Oldest Only
When running a data miniing report, is there a way to get the report to pull just one record for each family (Family 1 and Family 2). We need to run an address report for district students (KG-12th grade) for Families 1 & 2 but we only want one record per family. So basically add an Oldest/Only button or feature to Data Mining Reports.
7 votes -
Edit for parents in new student enrollment
Currently parents are unable to access forms if they have accidentally hit submit. Is there any way Skyward could add an Edit Button so parents could have access to make changes or add information??
9 votes -
Currently, skyward does not have a way to verify TSDS report PDM3-130-007. We need to be able to pull a report that ties to funding only and something that is date specific.12 votes -
My Superintendent needs special ed codes to be broken down by 6 weeks in the Superintendents report.
6 votes -
Positive Attendance Button through Student Access
With the current Pandemic and schools closing to go virtual at any time, it would be extremely helpful if we can have a button, by student by class, where a student can check in that they are present. This button should be only available when the district says activate it or if the entity is virtual. The option to activate it for students who are virtual but the school is not should also be available when the student is in the same class. We may have a situation where a student is doing virtual, via camera or other devices, within…
8 votes -
Skybuild and Data Mining date ranges
It would be a great time saver to include the option of 'current year' when building skybuild or data mining reports that run every year. Every summer, we have to edit each report to change either the school year or date range for the report to run based on the current school year.
8 votes -
Currently, we are being asked to create multiple schedules for multiple scenarios. Would it be possible to have several Future Scheduling o
Currently, we are being asked to create multiple schedules for multiple scenarios. Would it be possible to have several Future Scheduling modules? Such as a 20-21A, 20-21B, 20-21-C? This would allow is to build all of the options and then quickly pivot when decisions are made in August.
6 votes -
New Student Online Enrollment check for matches an option to also change values for existing records
New Student Online Enrollment check for matches an option to also change values for existing records. We have found that when checking for matches because a student is already existing registrars are getting frustrated guardians don't always fill out the form exactly right or the student was put in the system with missing information. For example on the NSOE application a parent is asked for a previous district and school. If the school chooses to use the existing student record in the system when choosing the matches the existing record doesn't have those fields the application can't be approved because…
11 votes -
Allowing guardian to be able to edit an New Student Online Enrollment form after it has been denied
Allowing guardian to be able to edit an New Student Online Enrollment form after it has been denied. That way if they haven't entered the right information or included required documents they still can.
22 votes -
Future Scheduling Reports - Free Period and Partial Schedules Reports
Future Scheduling Reports - Free Period and Partial Schedules Reports both have flaws in the underlying logic for the reports - neither of the reports looks at the schedule status for the student. That means if a future class was dropped, but not deleted, it still counts for the student and they don't appear on either report.
We had been running the reports to fix schedules, but knew of some students who had holes, but were not appearing on the reports. Caused lots of confusion and inaccurate schedules for students.
This idea is the result of service call #4405450. In…
10 votes -
Mass Delete for General Staff Conferneces
There really needs to be a way to mass delete General Staff Conferences. You can mass delete Regular Parent Teacher Conferences. This would really help with clean up.
7 votes -
Add a Family to a student by Family ID
We have so many situations when a parent be required to enroll/register their children at multiple schools in our district. If one registrar searches for them by using a parent's middle name, another uses the parent's middle initial, and another one leaves it out entirely then we end up having to combine multiple accounts. We do keep stressing to them to check for matches. If the student is already registered and they need to add a Family #2, if they could have the screen open of a sibling and pick that same family ID number instead of having to type…
15 votes -
A Parent/Guardian communication log for each individual student
With school being permanently closed for the rest of the year, it would really be helpful to have a centralized communication log. Our district is working together to ensure everyone has the most updated information which requires school administrators, office staff, counselors, Deans IT support staff, Special Education staff and coaches in addition to teachers who are in constant communication with parents/guardians to somehow document the date, time, subject of the communication, who they spoke with and more detailed notes field if needed. This needs to be attached to each individual student not as a family note. If the setup…
9 votes -
Data Mine Previous School and Previous District fields
The fields "Previous School" and "Previous District" located under the School Path tab, are not available in data mining. We have families fill this information out and there is no way to data mine it out to use or analyze. It would be extremely helpful to be able to data mine out these two fields. I would like to use them to verify new KG students have the correct entry codes for state reporting.
6 votes -
add Alpha as an option in student schedule run
Not knowing what the potential constraints may be next year with COVID19 we are thinking ahead to possible scheduling options and what a school day may look like. One idea that has been floated is to split the days alphabetically and have A-K come days 1,3,5 and L-Z come days 2,4,6. So with that being said, would it be impossible to add ALPHA as an option in the schedule run area under "Balance by Student Attributes" ?
6 votes -
Data Mining - Available Fields Report & Field Comparison List with Skybuild
Please create an available fields report for data mining like there is in Skybuild. Additionally, a comparison list between the two to assist users when gathering data.
13 votes
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