Add the ability to blank out all census block groups
Currently census block groups can be imported via skybuild only via an attached student. I recommend adding the ability to blank out all census block groups for addresses. If all students leave a home, then the address record can only be modified by using address master. This feature is not very easy to use for large scale address maintenance. Since we have a change of block groups this year, we end up with 2010 and 2020 CBGs in address master. The 2010 are not associated with students currently, but may be associated as a snapshot address, or future students may move into this. There is a utility WS/AF/AD/PS/UT/AC to mass address change but it does not include the census block group. Removing unoccupied addresses is an option to remove the 2010 groups, but may lead to loss of data. Specifically, address history may be affected. Moreover, cleaned addresses that will likely be used in the future will get removed.