Student Management Suite
1601 results found
Please add the resident district to the address record. This field could be used for validation of the resident district on the student.
Please add the resident district to the address record. This field could be used for validation of the resident district on the student. The field should be added to the Address Range Default code maintenance option to populate.
4 votes -
EA+ My Activities add *** GPA, Term GPA and grade bucket grades on the same report
EA+ My Activities add *** GPA, Term GPA and grade bucket grades on the same report. For example on the Activity Roster or the Progress Report. Both help our coaches determine whether students are eligible to play. Or even when expanding the activity next to the students name.
5 votes -
Automate the Immigrant Status Data Submission to WISE
the data should automatically report to DPI/WISE if a student meets the 3 criteria of having an immigrant status. The criteria are: 1) age 3-21 as of the third Friday pupil count - we have DOB and know when the pupil count is each year so this can be automatically calculated 2) not born in the US - if another country is listed on the Birth History tab this can be automatically calculated and 3) in a US school for less than 3 full academic years - does not need to be consecutive years can be automatically calculated if the…
1 vote -
Ability to have individual custom forms emailed to a specific person once the form is completed in NSOE or back to school packet
Ability to have individual custom forms emailed to a specific person once the form it completed in NSOE or back to school packet. As of now I think it can only be done when it is put out to families as separate form.
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2 votes
Automated emails
Automated email options to include changes to Health Condition in addition to IHP. There may be conditions that need to be noted but do not necessarily have a treatment attached to them requiring an IHP.
2 votes -
Offense Time Not to default to 12:00 A.M.
When entering an Offense within the Student's Profile or Discipline section (not from teacher's Gradebook), offense time should be blank and require user to enter time instead of defaulting to 12a.m. Alternatively, at least default to system date if blanking out and making required isn't doable.
2 votes -
Add the ability to blank out all census block groups
Currently census block groups can be imported via skybuild only via an attached student. I recommend adding the ability to blank out all census block groups for addresses. If all students leave a home, then the address record can only be modified by using address master. This feature is not very easy to use for large scale address maintenance. Since we have a change of block groups this year, we end up with 2010 and 2020 CBGs in address master. The 2010 are not associated with students currently, but may be associated as a snapshot address, or future students may…
4 votes -
Add an Attachments Section to the Identity Tab
It would be helpful if there was an attachment section in the Identity tab. This way, we could digitally store a scholar's birth certificate (which would display their legal name) somewhere more secure from other staff roles.
8 votes -
Mass change default FamilyAccess Calendar display
I would like District Calendar Configuration to make changes to the Calendar in Family Access. I want to be able to change the default colors for events in the Family Access calendar, without having the guardians to manually change those on their own.
2 votes -
Update Prior Balance Utility
is it possible to add some options to the "Update Prior Balance" utility? Under Utility Ranges, an option to zero out current year balance added to the dropdown. Also, an option to add an individual payor selection to the range parameters. And lastly, an option to add a note to all affected accounts when this utility is run to show that the zero balance is due to account being sent to collections.
1 vote -
Create a sample for negative accounts being sent to collections
Create something similar to verification sample maintenance for managing negative lunch accounts being sent to collections. This way updates and notes can be added to all accounts in one place instead of going into each individual payor account.
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Medication Quick Entry Verified By
In the Medication Information Quick Entry Screen, there is a 'Admin By' Drop down box to select the Nurse that administered the medicine. We would like an additional field and drop down box named 'Verified By' to select the nurse or teacher that double checked the medicine.
2 votes -
Auto Email Notification when a student is entered as MV so that the liaison can be notified and a email generated notifying them of their ri
Auto Email Notification when a student is entered as homeless McKinney-Vento so that the liaison can be notified and a email generated notifying them of their rights automatically as required in the law
3 votes -
McKinney-Vento pop up when a family is exiting so that the conversation can be had about best placement and staying in school of origin
McKinney-Vento pop up when a family is exiting so that the conversation can be had about best placement and staying in school of origin
1 vote -
Add Student Ranges to Nightly Auto Email
Nightly Auto Emails are being generated for inactive students long after they have left the district or graduated. Add Student Ranges functionality, like there is for Event Auto Email. See attached screen shots showing setup
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Disable teacher gradebook viewing abilities for Semester 2
While building Semester 2 schedules, it would be very beneficial to deactivate teacher viewing abilities in gradebooks for Semester 2 only. Building schedules is a process in which the Counselor assigns courses, then proceeds to shuffle the courses according to requirements that need to be met for each individual student. When teachers can view the schedules as the Counselor is beginning the process, we are bombarded with unnecessary emails and drop-ins. The capability to activate viewing abilities once the schedules are fairly settled, when teachers most definitely can offer input regarding students that may have been overlooked, would be far…
3 votes -
Add an option to request translation services when scheduling conferences
When scheduling conferences in Family Access we would like there to be an option to request translation services for conferences. We want access to translation services to be the norm and not something that families feel burdened to request. This would need to include spoke and sign language, and ideally the selection should be written in the language used by those needing the service.
4 votes -
Auto Email - HLS Screening Required
We would like the option to have an auto email generated when a Home Language Survey completed in NSOE results in the need for required screening.
4 votes -
Home Language Codes
The Home Language Code is located in the student profile, the family tab, and the LEP tab, but these do not update each other so you have to remember to add/edit all three sections. It would be a lot more helpful if they would update in all 3 locations when one of them is updated, because it is hard to remember that there are 3 different places to add/edit it and the code should usually be the same in all 3 locations as well.
5 votes
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