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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1593 results found

  1. Family Home Language

    The Home Language field has been causing issues during enrollment. If a family is marked as 835-Spanish that populates into the LEP Home Language for the student also. The LEP form for that student is all 211 - English, but it currently has 835 - Spanish. Now someone must remember to update that field. I think it would save time and errors if the two fields were not linked. If they were not linked there could be a field add to the student that would allow us to populate the Home Language from the enrollment form.


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  2. Add Medicaid Parental Consent Date for Special Ed Other tab in Student Profile

    SHARS and other groups and entities now require the date of parental consent for medicaid billing. This is collected in the Frontline ESTAR/ESPED program and we have asked them to add that field to the nightly export.

    However, we need a date field in Student Profile - Special ED - Other tab for the data to be imported to. Please see the screenshots doc attached. Thank you.

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  3. autoemail building registrar when NSOE is approved for their building

    NSOE applications are approved by the Central office staff who then "forward" them on to the building registrars. Building registrars have no way of knowing that the NSOE approval has taken place or that it is being forwarded to them. It would be helpful if, upon approval, an auto email would generate letting the building registrar know that it has been approved and is available to them for completion.

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  4. Have a Mass Assign Course Fees

    Have the ability to mass change the course fees for the new year. After copying current to future the amounts usually need changed. Instead of entering them one by one have the option to mass change the amount. For example our 20 English courses have the same fee amount. Instead of going into each individual record have a mass change to a set amount.

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  5. Food Service Reporting and Proc Lists

    It would be wonderful if there was a way to create a Processing List of Food Service Payors (either inactive or active - ability to choose). This would be helpful if you need to use this payor list in other areas of the software. Currently, I needed this list of Inactive payors with balances to find out when the family left the district. It doesn't work to use data mining as there are multiple siblings and multiple withdrawal dates, etc.

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  6. + attendance mark present only if in the correct place instead of anywhere

    Positive Attendance is based on the Period, not the Class. So students can scan into any device they want for the day but the Positive Attendance Log is what you use to catch those students and discipline them appropriately

    We would like a feature that only allows students to scan in and be marked present in the class they are schedule for.

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  7. Two (2) Signature (Administered By) Fields for Medications

    Our nurses have indicated that TWO(2) signatures are required for administering medications. We need to have two places for Administered by to be in compliance with regulations.

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  8. "Password of the Day" for Fix Programs hurts productivity

    Skyward has implemented a "password of the day" for whenever anyone needs to use the Fee Fix program. Each day we need to use it, we need to reach out to Skyward via a service call and wait for their response. This hinders productivity as the response can take several hours to arrive. It also places unnecessary workload and stress on the Skyward customer service representatives. Ideally, there should be a way to automatically distribute this password to specific users (ones with system-wide access, perhaps?) who can divulge it to their coworkers as needed.

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  9. Other Name

    It would be helpful for the "Other Name" to pull into more areas. We want to keep the legal name visible for State testing/report cards etc, but the family and the student should be able to see the new name in both family and student access. At the very least, when an "Other Name" is entered, it should be visible in Family and Student access.

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  10. SpEd ACT Form to mimic the Forward Form layout (with the dropdown options)

    This past year we worked with Skyward on the Forward Form to clean up the accommodations and designated supports to ONLY be able to choose options that apply to Wisconsin in the drop down. We put in a support ticket to see if we could do that same for the ACT Form. Skyward doesn't have any current plans to do so and advised that we submit an idea. Our Director / DAC, requested that we submit the idea in hopes they would change their mind and reconsider this option.

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  11. Add option to run Mass Change Lunch Codes by processing list

    Would like the option to mass change lunch codes by processing list. (WS\ST\PS\UT\LC)
    This would be very helpful for schools that are CEP/SSO and use a local socioeconomic form to determine economic disadvantage status. Processing list can be created from these forms to identify and code students that qualify as economic disadvantaged. These processing list could be used to mass change lunch codes.

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  12. enter summer school bilingual participation by processing list

    Mass assign bilingual summer school by processing list instead of by individual student.

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  13. Student Access option to Show Other Name

    Student Access option to Show Other Name
    Teachers can change the gradebook view and report cards can be printed with 'other name'. But students still see legal name in their log in.

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  14. Add Button to View Application Letter at WS\ST\TB\FS\FS

    Having the ability to click a button and view an individual student's food service application on the food service tab would be very helpful by saving precious time.

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    In Day Summary Report I need to print this out by Team but can only print it out by grade. If you can add the option to print by Team it would save me a lot of work. Right now I have to use a Processing List for each Team and we have 10 Teams. There are other reports that we can't use for Teams as well that if added would be great and save time and trouble.

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  16. Different color screen for New Year scheduling

    I have almost made changes in the current year scheduling because I clicked in the wrong area. Could there be an option to change the color of the screen when working in new year scheduling? Thank you.

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  17. Entity Counts to not include students that don't really attend

    It would be nice to have the entity counts exclude or show a breakout of students that are not really in attendance, such as students enrolled for services only. Thank you!

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  18. Ability to remove punctuation from names when creating usernames/emails

    On the Automatically Generate Logins and Passwords screens (PS\CA\SE\PS\CF\AU) we need the ability to remove any punctuation and spaces from all name parts (first, last, middle, namekey). Currently we can remove spaces from namekeys but not from first, middle, last, and we can't remove punctuation from any of them.

    We are using the "namekey with spaces removed" option for our usernames but currently have a vendor that won't accept emails with apostrophes, such as O'Neil. It would solve a lot of problems if Skyward could remove those when creating the usernames/email addresses.

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  19. default cursor to search field in all list screens

    currently when you open a list screen the cursor is no where. You have to click on the search field. It should automatically put the cursor there so I can start typing. It already does this on the student profile.

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  20. Add sort by Family ID for Student fee statements

    Please add a sort by Family ID when printing Student fee statements. We manually have to do this every year.

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