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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1583 results found

  1. Add ability to delete Message

    Please add a "Delete" button to Message Center. Users would like to be able to remove/delete a scheduled message prior to the deliver date/time. The button "Recall" is confusing to the end user. Thank you.

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  2. Mobile App Configuration

    Requesting that the mobile app follow the entity configuration for Family Access.
    We configured the Entity Configuration for Family Access not to show Homeroom and advisers as we did not want parents to be able to see these until a specific date. However the parents were able to go onto the Mobile app and see them in Student Information by clicking on the "I" button. Advisor and Homeroom are both listed. This defeated our purpose of wanting the parents to do the current student registration and then allowing them to see the schedules etc.
    The expected outcome is for Skyward…

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  3. Block out grade entry for ranges of students

    We are looking for a way to isolate teachers from being able to enter any grades into their grade books for a range of students. We have students of all grades within classes and coming from a variety of schools. At the end of each year we get notice from our sending schools when they want grades for their senior students as well as when they want their underclassmen grades.

    The problem we have is that we have teacher who even after being told what schools and grades are due on what days there are grades that are still being…

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  4. Do not show periods on class schedule

    We'd like to add the option not to display periods on schedules (just like the option to not display teacher names or room numbers). All 3 pieces of info can cause issues with students when we have to make schedule changes over the summer. We want to be able to show families which courses have been scheduled with no other information about the courses until close to the start of school.
    The expected outcome is a check box to "do not show period on class" option on the Family Access schedule entity configuration screen.

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  5. Student Language Needs to be Under LEP Tab

    Currently users with demographics access have all-or-nothing edit access to the Student Profile sub-tab under General if you provide them with security access to do so. The problem in TX is that only specific staff should be maintaining the Language field for a student. Because TX collects Home Language as part of enrolling a student it's imperative that not just anyone changes this field without referring to the Home Language form we collect the data on (state form). With a wide range of users needing edit access for demographics the field of Student Language should be a secure field. We'd…

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  6. Add Link to use WISEid in Portfolio Importer

    Request to add "Link to" option for WiseID for Portfolio Importer. We attach the .pdf ISR reports for assessments to the student's portfolio. In order to do this in mass we rename the files to the student's ID that is available either in the file name (NWEA) or on the page : Forward ACT Aspire. Forward uses the student's NameID (the Skyward ID that is sent to the state) and ACT Aspire used the WiseID.
    It is easy to rename the files from a field on the report with inexpensive software. For the ACT Aspire report renaming it to the…

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  7. Name fields on Grading & Attendance Analysis Repor

    Currently the only option for this report is to pull the student's full name. It would be beneficial to have the student's name fields broken down by first name and last name.
    This report has the option to export directly into Excel. By pulling the name into separate fields campus administrators will be able to filter and search more easily.

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  8. Custom Forms - Cloning Security

    We would like the ability to clone security attached to custom forms. Currently when a custom form is cloned security does not clone and has to be set up for each form.

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  9. TAKS still appears on Withdrawal Form

    Because we no longer are in the TAKS business is there any way that line item on the withdrawal form can be changed to STAR or EOC and show those scores instead? It is wasted space right now.
    Most people don't even know what TAKS is especially at the younger grade levels since that test has nearly reached its end life. It would seem more appropriate to have current terminology for testing on the withdrawal papers rather than outdated testing. Thanks for considering this updated change to the form.

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  10. RFE - Student Profile - Career/Technical Tab PIMS

    We need to have the CIP Code updated in the Student Profile Career/Technical Tab whenever a student changes their Technical Shop. It was discussed before that you were working on having the CIP Code update in the profile when we update the student schedule with the new technical class. The issue I am having is that when they do change a student's schedule they do not notify me so I can manually go in and change the career/technical tab for my PIMS Upload. Since I do not get notified of the changes some students are reported in the wrong technical…

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  11. Move the Population Served to the Class Meet

    I would like to request moving the population served from the class section to the class meet. When reporting Fall PEIMS districts have to go into the "Maintain" area and edit those fields for SPED teachers to match their budget code. If that field was on the meet we would not need to spend so much time in maintaining and editing.
    This would be a benefit to all Texas users and would make Submission 1 easier. We would no longer spend so much valuable time going through the Maintain area and editing each teacher.

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  12. Custom Forms Tab Needs Quick Print & Utility

    I've submitted this before and it continues to be an issue at our district. If you access Students\Student Profile and select the Custom Forms tab the only way to print is to click Edit. This then requires a 'SAVE & PRINT' option which updates the Modified Date of the form. We really need a Quick Print button added here that looks at the Custom Forms Report - issue solved! Additionally I would like to see an option added to Mass Delete Custom Forms. We have a number of parents who complete registration for the wrong year. This only happens during…

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  13. update all areas to use the Gender Identity

    The gradebook area is still hard coded based on the traditional gender field in Skyward. The gender identity is shown when viewing the student information but the main screen is still based on the traditional field. Please update all areas in the software to use the Gender Identity (if present) instead of the Gender field. It is very confusing to see different genders depending on where you are in the software.
    All areas of the software will use the Gender Identity if the field is filled in.

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  14. student access/student infor shows both families

    A student can see information on both family 1 and family two on student access/student info. this is a problem! If a parent uses the student's login they will be able to see both family 1 and family 2's address phone and email. this is a major problem due to data privacy. we have turned ours off. we would like to move the family information to another tab so we can leave access to the student information and what is located there and turn off access to family information.

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  15. Skybuild - Special Education Information

    I'd like to request the addition of the Special Ed information to the Skybuild Import area.

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  16. Add Attachment Feature

    Is it possible to add a feature that will allow for parents to submit attachments such as JPG PNG PDF when requesting attendance requests (excuses)?
    This feature will give parents the ability to upload any additional excuse documentation for the student (medical excuse personal excuse etc.). It will also provide the district with documentation provided by the parent that can be used in audit situations.

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  17. Student Health Report

    Student Health Report and the report in the Quick Print area needs to include results for Convex lens Stereo depth perception Color blindness as required by PDE. Currently there is no ability to add these results to this report for an overall printout of all vision screenings. Nurses currently would have to create/print a separate Data Mining report for all students whose records need sent to other PA districts and for any all health printing of records.

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  18. Student Indicators for Attendance

    This is a joint rfe from Amarillo and Birdville. We would like to be able to have the option to set student indicator(s) based on student attendance. Our districts are having to watch our student's attendance and it would be extremely helpful if we were able to have a student indicator that each district would be able to customize. Our idea is have a nightly job that runs as a scheduled tasks that would set a flag for all students who met the criteria set in the nightly job. Inside the job you could set what attendance type codes/what period(s)/Date…

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  19. Programs to Disallow Withdrawal/Re-entry

    We would like to request the Title I Participation be listed as a program in the "Programs to Disallow Withdrawal/Re-entry" area of Entry/Withdrawal settings. Other programs that are already included in this area are At-Risk Busing Special Ed LEP Homeless and several others.

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  20. Add street name to Enrollment Application Processi

    Add street name to Enrollment Application Processing table so registrars can see if the student is enrolling in the correct campus without having to open the application.

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    The views within this browse have the Family 1 Address column on it. You may have to scroll to the right to see it initially, however the view could be updated to make the column display more prominently.

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