vision letter merge field additions
Need Vision Letter Merge Fields for:
--automated screening device
--Need Merge Field for Rescreening Date (2nd screening when "rescreen" box is checked)
--Need Merge Fields for Corrected Right and Corrected Left on Rescreening entry
--Need Merge Fields for Uncorrected Right and Uncorrected Left on Rescreening Entry
See state's vision screening form M-60
Texas passed law in 2015 and expanded it in 2017 allowing students to be screened with an automated screening device. There is no Merge Field for a Vision Letter to indicate that the child was screened with an Automated Screening Device. The state requires that referral letters include the types of screening administered to a student and the results of the screening.
Additional Merge Fields for:
--Automated Screening Device
--Rescreening Date with Corrected and Uncorrected results for each eye
Adding these merge fields will assure that full screening results are included on Vision Letters.