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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1583 results found

  1. Absence/Tardy Thresholds for PASS+ Devices

    There are a few critical items needed in the Positive Attendance features to work more effectively and efficiently. PASS+ devices already read the Skyward bell schedule. Add the functionality of being able to set thresholds to count entries as tardy X number of minutes after the period begins and count entries as absent after X number of minutes into the period. Currently it only marks students present and when students arrive in class after using the Tardy Kiosk in the office it removes their tardy and marks them Being able to mark students present tardy and absent (significantly late) with…

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  2. PASS+ Room Allowed Based on Schedule

    Students can use PASS+ to mark themselves present in any room. Please develop ability to identify if a student is in their expected/assigned room location and allow/deny student attendance based on whether student is in proper room/location. The PASS+ device currently denies attendance entry based on schedule (can't scan in during times that are not on the bell schedule). Having the PASS+ compare the device's room code to the student's schedule would prevent students from using PASS+ to sign in where they shouldn't be. We can use a Crystal Report to identify students at the end of the day who…

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  3. Auto Email Notification Filter Option

    When a students enrolls either through the NSOE module or with paper for NY when we are still in CY most of the auto emails should not be triggered to run. This could be accomplished by choosing Inactive/Active however if a student is enrolling in the CY but not for a week or two they may be put into the system as Inactive but we still want the auto emails to trigger. In addition to informational emails we send auto emails to our helpdesk system to automatically create tickets to setup student accounts prepare devices etc. If not starting until…

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  4. Add- Sort by Counselor to transcripts and RC

    Since we can now designate the student's counselor and can print for a range of counselors for transcripts and report cards it would also be helpful if we could print all the transcripts sorted by counselor. Currently we have to print each counselors group of transcripts by range with means we run the print multiple times.

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  5. Rewrite Test Scores on Custom Transcripts

    The Test Scores object on Custom Transcripts is a bit of a train wreck. Essentially you get a combination of a hand-made layout combined with the bulky poorly laid out Test Scores Report onto a single document...the snapshot of the attached transcript layout and then generated PDF was actually 9 pages long. There simply has to be a cleaner more professional way to pull Test Scores data. If it means redoing the report too we're all for it. There has to be a better way to design the test details and results so they cleanly lay across a page. Is…

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  6. Custom Forms Tab Still Needs Quick Print Option

    I believe I've submitted a request for this already but I'm unable to locate any details on it. Would still really like to see an option for Quick Print on the Custom Forms tab. This would be exactly the same as Quick Print in Enrollment Application Processing or simply an option to run the Custom Forms Report from this tab. Currently the only option users have is to EDIT and then Save & Print as there is no Print only option available. The alternative would be to have a Print button available on this screen underneath Edit. When users Edit…

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  7. Display Year Specific Forms

    When customers have NSOE open for CY and NY they are attaching custom forms specific to that school year. To help the staff be able to easily identify the forms that student filled out would like the Enrollment Application Processing Screen to only display the list of forms attached to the school year the student is applying to.

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  8. Add Placed to Promotion Status

    Promotion Status has Retained Promotedand Pending. Can we get Placed added to the list. When a student does not earn the promotion but is placed in the next grade we need to be able to document that the student was placed and not promoted.
    This enhancement will allow us to properly document how a student got to the next grade.

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  9. Medical Grade Override Hassle

    We have noticed that when the Medical override is used for a quarter that the FINAL calculation does not take the override into consideration for final average.

    If there are 30 assignments before a Medical is given then the teacher needs to go through and set all 30 assignments to NO COUNT.

    It would seem that applying a Medical override should do just that...Override. Override the assignments so they do not count for or against the student who now is receiving a grade override.

    Either offer a utility that allows teachers to mark all assignments in term as no count…

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  10. Add the OTHER ID field to the Standard Report Card

    We would like the field of OTHER ID added to the options in the header/footer area of the Standard report cards. As we work towards an electronic cum folder it is a requirement to have the Student's OTHER ID number on the report card so we can use that to rename the files for mass uploads to the electronic cum folder process.

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  11. need an export of staff needing a UID

    We need an export on the Student side of Staff needing a Unique ID so we can load to TSDS export the UIDs and then import in Skyward.

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  12. Medication Stopped Date

    We are trying to print the Medication report.We need a way show the stopped date on the report for nurses. The report only shows the date the medication was started. We need both a start and stop date to be reflected on the Medication report.

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  13. Diabetes Care log add CGM field

    FDA has approved the use of Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) for treatment of diabetes. We need a field added to the Diabetes Care Log (tab in office visit) and Diabetes Care Log tab from Student Profile. This number should have a 3 digit field with no leading zero. The field can be labeled "CGM"





    Right now the Diabetes Care log in Office Visits works better/differently that using the Diabetes Care Log from the Student Profile tabs. See RFE 2927779. In Office Visit you can add multiple times blood glucose but this feature has not yet been…

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  14. Percent Attendance by Teacher Needs Another Link

    Nearly every single one of our 21 schools asks for Percent Attendance. We've obviously needed to update security access because the report is located under Educator Access Plus however telling them over and over again how to get to it has become a bit mind-boggling. Is there any way we could add the link to this report to ALSO show under Office\Attendance\Reports? Wouldn't that make sense? Yes it's teacher-based thus being here is cool but it's also teacher and grade level based from an office perspective. Out of convenience alone adding this report under the Attendance Reports would benefit everyone.…

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  15. Ability to print a blank custom form

    I would like the ability to print a blank custom form for parents/students/staff who need a paper copy of a document. For example we have a student health form that parents fill out which is online. Some of our families prefer to fill out this document on paper and we have no way to print a blank entry form (a form with blanks instead of the field names).
    The ability to print blank entry forms would allow staff and parents to create paper copies of custom forms.

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  16. Make Tardies turn different color than Absences

    When the teacher is taking attendance tardies turn red just like absences. It would be easier to distinguish the tardies from the absences if the tardies turned a different color like yellow.
    This would make it easier for teacher to make sure they have marked the students correctly. Looking at the screen if they see yellow and no students are tardy they would know immediately that the student was marked incorrectly.

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  17. Option on report for Tax

    Add an option to the Fees Paid report that will show you how much money was received in Taxes when you use the tax feature in the Fee Management Configuration.

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  18. Texas STAAR EOC Report needs Student IDs added

    This report is a great report. It pulls student's STAAR EOC information along with the Exemptions and the reasons. Pulling the reason for the exemption was not possible through data mining. This report needs to be further developed by:

    1. Adding the Other ID (Student ID)or Student Alpha Key. With so many similar names it is time consuming to look up the individual students with similar names and compare scores in order to match up the correct student. This is especially involved when running the report at the (000) level.

    2. Adding a check box to have an option to "Export to…

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  19. Add Team to Sort Options for reports

    Our Middle School and many others have Scheduling Teams. Often they need to sort data by these teams but it is not an option. Would like Current Year Scheduling Team from the Entity tab of the Student Profile added as a Sort Option.
    Sort Options to include Team for Honor Roll Report Cards and other grading reports.

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  20. Health Attachments

    Our nurses would like the ability to add attachments to the Office Visits Health Conditions Childhood Illness Dental Vision Hearing and Physical tabs like they have the ability on the Medications tab.

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