Need a way to send email reminders to parents who have incompleted returning student registrations
It is impossible to get an accurate list in data mining of parents with incomplete returning student registration (believe me, we've tried - verification status is not an accurate indicator and includes parents who are new to the district who are complete because they have completed new student enrollment). However, we need to periodically email our parents who have incomplete online returning student registration and have no reliable way to do so. We need either an accurate data mining indicator of who is required to complete online registration and has not done so, or a new automated email reminder that can be scheduled to go out biweekly throughout the registration period.

Mary Mitchem commented
Greg Green - this is my exact same workaround since nothing else seems to work correctly - filter on the date field on our main release/signatures form that is first in the process. This helps me avoid emailing people who have done everything but the "submit" button, but the whole process with workarounds and processing lists is time-intensive. I would like to just be able to set up a Family Access email reminder like all the others (low balance, grades, etc.)
Greg Green commented
I agree a better tracking system needs to be found. Currently, my workaround to find those who need to do registration is the following. Before registration begins I clear all of the dates that are required to be entered on custom forms. Then I run a data mining looking at atleast one of those dates. If they entered a date, they have done the registration. The only issue is new students who are processed after I have cleared the dates from the previous year, but it is the closest way I have found yet. We open online registration before school is out for the summer, so this where some confusion can get mixed in.
DeVaughn Resczenski commented
Add option to send email reminder -- yes, this is a very needed option. It could be added to the Auto Email Family category under Advanced Features.
Shawn Lee commented
This needs to be added yesterday!
Deanna Nelson commented
This issue is maddening because many parents complete each step of online registration but DON'T SUBMIT. So, in the report, they appear as incomplete but it's because nothing forced them to hit SUBMIT. This takes hours and hours to track down one student at a time when 50% or more just didn't SUBMIT properly.
Mary Mitchem commented
I'm already using the workarounds identified above - however, the list is never exactly accurate as I've described in my notes in the original request. In addition, I would prefer an automated email reminder under advanced features just like for low lunch balances, etc. so we can set it to run on a regular basis over the summer.
Jacque Deckard commented
Ditto on the process; however, you do not need to pull a CSV report for this. There is a Processing List Option right on the verification screen (it's the pencil and paper icon in the top right portion of the screen). Very simple to create the Processing List to use for sending messages!
Patti Halbach commented
I use the filter options. I hid students that are verified then pull an cvs file and import it in to a proc list for the email. It doesn't take long, I just pull IDs and import by ID #
I would prefer a built in but this is a workable solution.