A Parent/Guardian communication log for each individual student
With school being permanently closed for the rest of the year, it would really be helpful to have a centralized communication log. Our district is working together to ensure everyone has the most updated information which requires school administrators, office staff, counselors, Deans IT support staff, Special Education staff and coaches in addition to teachers who are in constant communication with parents/guardians to somehow document the date, time, subject of the communication, who they spoke with and more detailed notes field if needed. This needs to be attached to each individual student not as a family note. If the setup could be similar to the Family Notes where we could create the different types of communication subjects and also be able to data mine them and pull reports based on ranges such as dates and subjects. Again, if it could be accessible from a student's profile and also display in a gradebook, that would be ideal. Another helpful aspect would be if we could flag it as critical so that a warning message would display when we click on the log or as a student indicator. For instance, we have several parents with out of state identification cards and haven't been able to provide us with proof of residency information. If we could note that in the system and even set up reminders for us to contact them, this would really help us a lot.