Ability to view who has requested a login and password for NSOE application to follow up if they completed the application
I need to be able to see who requested a login and password to apply and did not complete the application. Ran into issues with families thinking they had applied and it was not complete.
If an email could be auto generated to me for anyone requesting a login and password to complete the NSOE, I could monitor to see if they complete the application and email them to see if they need assistance if they did not.
I was able to download the emails from Product setup > System Admin > email history > into an excel document. Then I selected all the emails titled "complete enrollment application" which is the email that is sent to families with the login and password. Would be nice to have a filter for email titles in this location. Then download my NSOE applications to excel, merge and sort by email address to see who did not complete the application and view those and respond to the incomplete applications.