Add option to run Mass Change Lunch Codes by processing list
Would like the option to mass change lunch codes by processing list. (WS\ST\PS\UT\LC)
This would be very helpful for schools that are CEP/SSO and use a local socioeconomic form to determine economic disadvantage status. Processing list can be created from these forms to identify and code students that qualify as economic disadvantaged. These processing list could be used to mass change lunch codes.

Rebecca Rentmeester commented
We do not have the food service module. 6/7 of my schools are CEP. I create a processing list, then navigate to Administration, Imports, Import File Builder. We have created a interface called Lunch Code, Product Type Food Service to import current codes. I do this accurate data so that if you pull a class of 3rd graders the lunch code matches the economic dis status. This would be a way to update everyone to F based on your txt file.