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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1599 results found

  1. Single Sign On Mobile App

    Please allow a "Sign in with SSO" button on the Skyward Mobile Apps for Android and iOS, so districts with SSO configured can allow that type of security on mobile apps as well as the web.

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    Started  ·  Jacob Kneser responded

    We are happy to announce that we are rewriting our mobile app to allow for single sign on support for SMS. The updated app is currently in beta testing and is expected to be delivered soon! We will post an other update here once it is released.

  2. Addition of identifying information for siblings

    It would be a great asset if the siblings that are listed in the family tab could be identified with grade level and entity. This has become a great need during the Covid-19 situation. When a student has been exposed, one entity has to reach out to the other schools to let them know the siblings may be required to quaratine as well. Nurses usually have access only to their specific students and can't see what entity the siblings are tied to in order to make contact.

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  3. Add option to run Mass Change Lunch Codes by processing list

    Would like the option to mass change lunch codes by processing list. (WS\ST\PS\UT\LC)
    This would be very helpful for schools that are CEP/SSO and use a local socioeconomic form to determine economic disadvantage status. Processing list can be created from these forms to identify and code students that qualify as economic disadvantaged. These processing list could be used to mass change lunch codes.

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  4. Other ID field on all reports

    It is frustrating and time consuming to run a report to compare data only to find that one report used alphakey and the other used Other ID. Other ID should be standard on every report run - many schools use this as their student ID and NOT the alphakey. Alphakey could also be standard, they could both the there; we use Other ID but bottom line, one field needs to be consistent across ALL Skyward reports so we can do data comparison more efficiently. I should not have to keep a data mining report strictly to convert alphakeys to other…

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  5. Custom Forms

    Hello: When creating fields for custom forms, it would be extremely helpful if there could be a warning or a pop-up stating that the data you have entered for this field has exceeded the Max Allowed Characters so that it could be corrected right away. What happens is that we don't know that the Max Characters have been exceeded until the form is active in FA or SA and we get hundreds of phone calls telling us that they couldn't complete the form because Max Characters have been exceeded.

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    Can we look at finding a way to look for holes in the Standards Gradebook like we do with the Secondary Gradebook? We have both gradebooks in our district and we are closing out the end of the school year and I want to make sure that every student has a grade for each skill/subject. It may not help for this year, but next year would be great.

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  7. Maintain File Date Stamp

    I would like to recommend a way to know when your maintain file was extracted last and who the user was. This assists in knowing where you are in the process when multiple people might be working the file as well as time/date stamp is also helpful to know for the purpose of determining the accuracy of the data.

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  8. Create an import layout for the TSI Assessment

    I would like for there to be an import template created to import the TSI (Texas Success Initiative) Assessment. This test is being required for students to enter college and it would be helpful to have the results in Skyward to share through TREx and on transcripts.

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  9. 10 votes

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  10. 9 votes

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  11. Add Additional Column to Course Master-Details View for Teacher Conferences

    Add an “Allow Teacher Conferences” column to the Course Master - Course Details view to avoid having to expand each course or run additional reports to see which courses are set to allow teacher conferences and which are not.

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  12. Allow for sorting by other categories when posting daily attendance by name.

    Allow for sorting by other categories (such as student indicators) when posting daily attendance by name. This way, teachers that are conducting classes in-person and virtually at the same time can sort quickly.

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  13. "Interpreter Needed" checkbox on Profile

    Checkbox for "Interpreter needed" on Profile Tab. We currently have a custom form to indicate when a student's family needs an interpreter for conferences. It would be extremely helpful to have an indicator in General Information that would be quickly accessible when phone communication is required.

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  14. Add Pain Scale (1-10) to Office Visit Vital Signs

    Our nurses are requesting the addition of a Pain Scale (1-10) to the Office Visit Vital Signs tab.

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  15. Determining Official Electronic Signature

    Our state food service department requires that we be able to show that applications were correctly determined, the date of the determination and the signature of the determining official. It would be very convenient if this were available in Skyward so we would not have to print out each application. In a district of almost 8000 students that's a lot of applications!

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  16. Ability to view who has requested a login and password for NSOE application to follow up if they completed the application

    I need to be able to see who requested a login and password to apply and did not complete the application. Ran into issues with families thinking they had applied and it was not complete.

    If an email could be auto generated to me for anyone requesting a login and password to complete the NSOE, I could monitor to see if they complete the application and email them to see if they need assistance if they did not.

    I was able to download the emails from Product setup > System Admin > email history > into an excel document. Then…

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  17. Clear All Missing Work Checks for a Quarter

    It would be wonderful to be able to clear all the missing work checks for all students in all assignments in a class for a quarter at once instead of having to do them assignment by assignment.

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    2 comments  ·  Gradebook  ·  Admin →
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  18. Print Online Applications on 2 Pages instead of 3.

    We have to print out online applications for auditors, food service people, etc. The print area is set so that it prints 3 pages and takes a lot of space in notebooks, additional paper, etc. We would like to see the print area reformatted so that it would print on 2 pages (or one page front and back). It looks like it would be simple to remove the page break prior to Step 4 and include it on page 1. Thank you!

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  19. Inactive Families Enrolling into NSOE get stuck

    We have had several situations where a former (inactive) family wants to re-enroll, and since they don't have any active students they can't get into a family access account. But they also can't request an account through the new student portal because they already have an email in the system. They are stuck in a catch-22.

    We go in to delete the email address from their account so they can do the account request, and some schools activate the student for a short time to allow the family into their old Family Access. Either way, it causes the family to…

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    Good afternoon.

    I have been working with my programmer on this issue.  He has gone into the code and this is how the code is set up:

    If an existing Family Access login has Allow Family Access still checked they should be able to log on directly to NSOE (don’t need a new separate NSOE account) if they know their login/password. The login area just needs to be set to Enrollment Access.

    If you want to mass change that status there is a utility to mass remove Family Access to guardians without Active Students.  It can be found at this menu path from the 000 entity:  WS\FA\FM\PS\UT\WA

    If you uncheck/remove the Allow Family Access, so that they can request a new NSOE account, that will be a separate account. The registrar will need to match them to the existing guardian in the system if they want to use that guardian

  20. Allow the order of NSOE step to be changed

    We would like to be able to change the order of the steps in NSOE. For instance, we want to have parents fill out step 6 (custom forms) before adding requested documents (step 5).

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