Student Management Suite
1599 results found
Mass Fee Creation: Credits and Waivers Removal Utility
It would be nice to have a Utility to Mass Delete/Reverse/Remove Credits and Waivers applied to students. We had to manually touch several hundred of our students to correct their book bills.
1 vote -
Mass Change Billing Detail Dates
Under Administration > Fee Management > Setup > Utilities > Mass Change Billing Detail Dates we need the ability to select multiple Bill Codes to change the Due Date. Currently you can only select one code at a time.
2 votes -
Please consider adding the ability to filter and add stage information in the Verification Area for Online Registration. WS\FA\FM\OR\VS
Please consider adding the ability to filter and add stage information in the Verification Area for Online Registration. WS\FA\FM\OR\VS Currently, we have three different spreadsheets to track not having proof of residency, needing specific proof of residency or under review due to alternate proof of residency. The ability to track all information in Skyward would be helpful.
7 votes -
Interactive Scheduling Board Updates
Option to change section name in interactive scheduling board when right clicking on the section chip and selecting "View/Update Class Details".
When hovering over the section chip, add student counts.
1 vote -
Add a No Show Automated Email
Indiana Districts are required to report one-day mobility. The easiest way to create this enrollment/withdrawal record is to use the No Show tool. This ensures that staff are following the directive setup by the district with the No Show option to ensure a withdrawal date and schedule adjustment is processed correctly every time. This part of the puzzle is perfect. The enrollment records that are created with the No Show will not trigger an automated email. They are not processed as a withdrawal. In order to accurately, and easily communicate when a student is "no showed" we need an additional…
2 votes -
online registration
In Online Registration add a checkbox for "Needing to make a family change". I know we need paperwork when a family change happens, but if we could make it that the family notifies us by checking that box so we can contact them instead of completing that step and verifying it, making us think no family change has happened or is needed.
8 votes -
Add Graduation Date to transcripts
Add the field Graduation Date to be added as an object on custom transcripts. We are using a free form text box to add the graduation date.
3 votes -
Mass Fee Creation: Credits and Waivers BUG
Our district participates in a Federal program that gives us ESSER funds that pays for certain fees on book bills for our students. Our Superintendent wants the fees displayed and that they were covered by these funds for parents to see. Skyward told us to use the Credits and Waivers utility under Mass Fee Creation. This worked fine on our first year last year, however this year we ran into major issues. We clone our fees every school year so they are the same. For some reason when we ran the utility this year if a student had an unpaid…
1 vote -
Add student PA Secure ID to Keystone Exam Report
In order to upload info into the PGT Act 158 Portal, student ID is required. The keystone exam report, under test score reports, only gives the student name. I tried data-mining, but the format of the Keystone Exam Report is much closer to what is needed.
2 votes -
E/W Residence County included in rollover
Please include Residence County from E/W record in the year-end rollover. It is a required field, so we have to update each student.
4 votes -
Please clone Residence County in the E/W record when doing year-end roll-over. It is a required field, so we have to update every student.
4 votes -
Add TSDS ID to Texas Transcript and Add to Custom Transcripts.
Add TSDS ID to Transcript and Custom Transcript Fields. The field is available in Qmlativ and should be included in SMS.
9 votes -
Have a Mass Assign Course Fees
Have the ability to mass change the course fees for the new year. After copying current to future the amounts usually need changed. Instead of entering them one by one have the option to mass change the amount. For example our 20 English courses have the same fee amount. Instead of going into each individual record have a mass change to a set amount.
3 votes -
Food Service Reporting and Proc Lists
It would be wonderful if there was a way to create a Processing List of Food Service Payors (either inactive or active - ability to choose). This would be helpful if you need to use this payor list in other areas of the software. Currently, I needed this list of Inactive payors with balances to find out when the family left the district. It doesn't work to use data mining as there are multiple siblings and multiple withdrawal dates, etc.
2 votes -
Mass Delete Pseudo Approval in Family Access
We need to be able to delete prior year pseudo approvals for enrollment in Family Access. While the filter works to show only those waiting approval the system is bogged down with thousands of changes from past years.
13 votes -
perfect attendance reports for specific periods ~ to compare what we have to submit to the state ~
There seems to be ideas about this that are being ignored , I know each year we call about the submission we have to do for perfect attendance but cant check perfect attendance until we get the list of kids from the upload of the submission and have to check kids one by one . It seems skyward should have something that we could run by period for our secondary campuses that would elevate checking one by one
1 vote -
In Future Scheduling, Request Processing to allow Multiple Course Requests of the Same Course
We have students who take multiple courses of the same course in a year. For example, Advanced Ag Mechanics, Developmental Instruction, Online College, etc. When building their schedule, it would be great if it allowed you to request the class more than once. Since it doesn't you do get the desired accuracy out of Auto Scheduler.
8 votes -
Have Skyward integrate with Stripe. We were told to purchase RevTrak for the Food Services module and then now we have to purchase the Fee Module for a separate fee. Please integrate with Stripe as Stripe has full API capabilities.
1 vote -
Attachments in Online Registration
2 suggestions for attachments in Online Registration:
1. Allow for some attachments to be required and others to be optional
2. Allow an attachment to be uploaded for a family so that it applies to all students in the family.10 votes -
Processing New Student Online Enrollment application, allow change order of Emergency Contacts
Scenario: A parent submits a new student application and fails to check the emergency contact box for either/both guardians.
During processing of application, if the registrar then checks the emergency contact box after, they are added after any other emergency contacts in the order added.We would like the ability to change the emergency contact order at time of processing a new application so the registrar can appropriately have the correct order prior to completing the application and not have to go back and change after processing.
We do allow guardians to change the order at time of yearly registration.
5 votes
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