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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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  1. Allow transfer of previous term grade from the Office to the Gradebook

    We would LOVE to have the ability to push a grade for a new student (or one with a schedule change) from the Office/Grading module to the new teacher's gradebook for previous terms. While we understand that a teachers should click the NEW button and use one of the 5 methods to get grades into previous buckets in their gradebook, getting teachers to do this (and do it correctly) is a huge headache for us. This would save a tremendous amount of time for teachers AND officer personnel. The teacher, of course, could later make adjustments if needed.

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. Assign security access based off student type.

    Allow access to the student tab but only have access to SPED students. We do not want users to edit the student type under ranges. For example, SPED Guidance Counselor needs access to SPED students only, not all students.

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  4. Import Dyslexia Scores

    We would like the ability to import Dyslexia Test Scores. We are a district in Kansas, so it would be for that format.

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  5. Multiple Pick Up/Drop Off BUSING Addresses Needed

    We have students in Skyward for busing with certain days of the week they would be picked up/dropped off at Mom's (Family 1) and then the other days picked up/dropped off at Dad's (Family 2). We can add more than one Bus Route but not more than one Bus Address - it would be awesome if we could add multiple addresses so as not to cause confusion on the parent view side.

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  6. Include TSDS number in Student Lookup

    Include TSDS number in Student Lookup. The enrollment emails we receive from TSDS do not include the student's name. The only identifying information in the email is the TSDS number. It would be nice to look them up by TSDS number like we can the PEIMS ID.

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  7. Two (2) Signature (Administered By) Fields for Medications

    Our nurses have indicated that TWO(2) signatures are required for administering medications. We need to have two places for Administered by to be in compliance with regulations.

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  8. Parent Login added as Merge Field

    It would be helpful if the parent login was a merge field within data mining's Mail Merge.

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  9. Option to Require Classroom Referral Actions

    Give districts the option to “require at least one classroom action” when using Classroom Referrals and Allow Classroom Referral Actions.

    Setup is under Discipline District Setup

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  10. Can you increase the maximum display number on tables from 2000 to maybe 4000?

    It would be helpful when using student browse or using the discipline browse by officer. We can utilize data in the tables without running reports.

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  11. College and Career Readiness Data on Report Cards

    We would like to be able to print college and career readiness indicators on report cards so students and parents are aware of their progress and what areas need to have more attention.

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  12. Mass Change Receive Forms

    I'd like an option to run a utility to mass change family flags to receive forms.

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  13. Mass Add Transcript Notes

    We'd like to use the Transcript Notes to provide more detail on students' graduation status (i.e. Diploma, HSED, Did Not Graduate) and there is currently no option to Mass Add transcript notes (or import--which would also work). Thank you.

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  14. Adding a character counter to comment boxes within a standard based custom report card or in teacher grade books

    After creating a Standards Custom report card, the teachers are asking how many characters fit in each comment box. I do not see a character count in the teacher grade book nor do I see anything that would allow me to find out when I add the comment box while building it. Is there a way to add available character count to comment boxes within the teacher grade book? If not I think it would be a great tool for the teacher to have to know how much space is available to make comments.

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  15. Data-minable PGP

    We use PGPs to capture loads of information on students for teachers to view. The problem is that you can only view individual students and there is no report function. If the PGP were data-minable then we could run reports for large groups of students.

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  16. Endorsement Progress Report Page Break Option

    Would like a page break by student option in the report to. This makes it easier to separate and share with individuals as needed.

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  17. setting to always drop and never delete courses

    Could there be a setting to restrict end users to always drop and never delete a course when changing a students schedule? Deleting a course rather than dropping it causes problems in several of our outside programs and it still happens even though we have tried to educate people to always drop and never delete.

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  18. When doing the general ledger update on food service, there is no way to differentiate between adjustments and payments.

    When doing the general ledger update on food service, there is no way to differentiate between adjustments and payments. Please provide a way to remove adjustments from the food service general ledger update, or at least indicate on the general ledger update report that they are adjustments.

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  19. Could the class period be seen on the section details? You always have to do all the drop downs to find the right period.

    Could the period be visible on the section detail? A pain to always have to drop down each section. WS/OF/CS/BC/CM/CM

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  20. PA Act 158 Endorsement Enhancement

    As part of PA Act 158 pathways to graduation tracking many many pathways are easy. The evidence based pathway however requires the 3 pieces of evidence from a list. While some are test score based some would be curriculum cluster based and some are milestone based so there is no single way to say any 3 combination of those items. I would like to see a way to apply the "3 items" rule generically so it can be 1 test score, 1 mile stone, and 1 cluster , or 2 test score, and 1 mile stone, etc.

    It would also…

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