Student Management Suite
1601 results found
SBAA Cash Receipts
I would like to see SBAA Cash Receipts have the flexibility as the Account Management Cash Receipts in changing column order and width in order to have the receipt date on the screen with other pertinent information and not out of sight to the left.
1 vote -
Student Access - Option to show Credits without GPA
We would like the option to show earned, failed, and pending credits for students in Student Access, withOUT also making GPA's available to view.
1 vote -
Removed home access for FA/SA display for teachers
We would like to remove the home screen access from teachers under family/student access in educator access plus. We do want our teachers to have access to the family access grade book for their students but we do not want them to have access to the home page. Private information is listed there regarding FRP applications that teachers should not have access to.
4 votes -
I would like to automate when a work flow code is changed in NSOE to email the next person in the approval process
We have a code ODT (out of district transfers) in the workflow process that the clerk will use when the NSOE application is ready for principal approval. I think it would be extremely helpful to have automated emails in the workflow process. When a particular code is used/changed an automated email would email the staff member next in the process that the application is awaiting their approval.
1 vote -
offer the availability to have more that one staff member receiving the notification on when a parent submits an Online Registration .
offer the availability to have more that one staff member receiving the notification on when a parent submits an Online Registration. This way if one person is out then there is a back up, and there would be no holdup when when registering.
7 votes -
We'd like a youngest child free/reduced report
We'd like to be able to run a free/reduced list by youngest child.
2 votes -
Add field for youngest child
It would be very helpful to have a field to indicate whether a student is the youngest child or not.
3 votes -
Payor Balance Notices - mailing address vs. physical address
Please add programming logic to the system that will use the payor's mailing address if it exists in the system. Right now we are getting several of these letters returned because the system is using the physical address and not the mailing address.
1 vote -
Report Legal Name to Ed-Fi - add checkbox field in data mining
PLEASE add the "Report Legal Name to Ed-Fi" checkbox as a Yes/No option to choose in data mining so that we can find inconsistencies without having to stare and compare as to which names have changed. Thank you!
3 votes -
Student Locator Icon access in Educator Access Plus
The student locator icon is not available when teachers are in Educator Access Plus taking attendance in their class. If a student is not in the classroom but not absent, they have to go out to the dashboard to access it (Because they have security to do so). It would great if they could click on the student locator pin on the bar at the top while in their gradebooks.
6 votes -
Add National Recognition Program to FTE/Diploma Tab
College Board has added a new National Recognition Program. We would like it added to the FTE/Diploma tab in Student Management under the National Merit Scholar selection. It would need a drop down box with four selections:
African American Recognition Program
Hispanic Recognition Program
Indigenous Recognition Program
Rural and Small Town Recognition ProgramFile from the College Board is attached as well as an image of the FTE/Diploma tab with the area we would like it added to.
3 votes -
Export All attachments
I am wandering if we can have option that we can download / export attachments for all students or more than one student's attachments at once.
4 votes -
Ability to Filter by Semester in Entry by Class or Activity
When entering attendance from substitutes using the "Entry By Class" feature, it would be great when filtering classes if I could also filter the class by semester. Currently I can filter by Active/Inactive courses, period, room #, teacher name, etc. But not by semester.
2 votes -
HTML Options for Fee Mgmt / Print Statements
We frequently use the Fee Mgmt Print Statements report and would love to have the text box be HTML instead of just plain text so that we could insert a hyperlink to our payment website.
4 votes -
I would like to request to have an automated email trigger for attendance, so that we may notify parents when their student is tardy to school and/or absent.
Currently there is a trigger for Attendance Letters, which I am using. However, I would like to be able to notify parents when their child is tardy to school and copy an administrator as well. I do realize parents can opt to receive notice for attendance, but not all do, and this is another way to reach those parents.7 votes -
PEIMS CORE - CRW ... Staff and 30305 Record Comparison Removal UTILITY enhance for TIA
PEIMS CORE - CRW ... Staff and 30305 Record Comparison Removal UTILITY
enhance this utility to NOT remove teachers imported from HR that have TIA designation but will not have 30305 recs on student side
12 votes -
PEIMS CRW please add "Process Individual Staff" so we can re-extract one or a few teachers
PEIMS CRW please add "Process Individual Staff" so we can re-extract one or a few teachers ... we waste a LOT of time re-extracting all staff sections when we might only need to extract sections for one teacher
16 votes -
Emergency Information/Alert Information to be able to add the same alert for multiple students at one time .
Please add an option to Emergency Information/Alert Information to be able to add the same alert for multiple students at one time. Would love to be able to use a processing list or a utility of some kind.
I know that Sky build Import and custom forms importer is not an option.9 votes -
The student PIN number needs to be added to Skybuild import and export especailly since TN has been moving away from SSN to PIN numbers.
TN Dept of ED had directed TN schools to move from SSN to local generated PIN numbers. Skybuild needs to have the PIN number added as field option.
3 votes -
Mobile App: Attendance by Period
The ability to have the option to take attendance by period with the mobile app so it combines the sections if they have multiple sections within one period.
5 votes
- Don't see your idea?