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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1601 results found

  1. Pennsylvania Graduation Pathways

    Is there any plan on making it so Pennsylvania's graduation pathways can be entered for students in the Skyward system? It would be nice if it could automatically pull information such as SAT score, Keystone, etc. when it is imported into the system. Even if it needs to be entered manually that would be better than nothing. That way we have a way to see what pathway students are taking to graduate.

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  2. Criminal Background

    It would be helpful if there was a box to enter if the person passed or failed their background checks along with the date the check was ran.

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  3. Give more flexibility to naming of periods in Bell schedule

    Give more flexibility to naming of periods in Bell schedule. Most of our high schools have a short period at some time during the day, so if it was between 2nd and 3rd period they might call it 3a. Or some schools would like to call it "Patriot time" or "Prime time". They don't want it to be the zero period and show up out of order. Or maybe a way to default student schedule to sort by meet times.

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  4. Course/Class Counts report not accurate

    Currently the Course/Class Counts report is not accurate since it shows total of all student by all teachers, so if there is a primary and an alternate on the course record, a class of 22 students becomes 44. We need a way to filter to ONLY the primary teacher please.

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  5. Add Mass Deny/Cancel Utility to NSOE

    We need a utility that allows us to Mass Deny/Cancel Applications by either Date Received or Expected Enroll Date. I’d want to see it with an option to mass deny by either one of those date options because some are simply outdated, and others are dated incorrectly by expected date of enrollment. So, the utility would need to be able to run on either option. Right now, I literally delete (deny) hundreds of applications one by one, by having to assign it and then deny it by hand using copy/paste for the reason. Lastly, this utility would also require a…

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  6. Make the family registration not show complete unless the school approves it.

    Make the family registration not show complete unless the school approves it.
    We have parents upload proof of residency in the registration process and they will upload anything to by pass it. I would like it to not show completion until we have seen the POR and approved it.

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  7. Student Educational Milestone screen set up to view like the Career Plan screen

    Student Educational Milestones screen set up to view like the Career Plan screen. Grade columns 9 - 10 - 11 -12 with educational milestones listed under the grade column. Detail milestone code, short description, Required to Grad? Y or N, date completed.

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  8. Pupil Nondiscrimination Self-Evaluation Report -

    Pupil Nondiscrimination Self-Evaluation Report - create one with all necessary fields to be cloned by user. I have attached a copy of one that I ran, I forgot the ELL's so I need to redo it. This gives you an idea of what I am talking about.

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  9. When a parent dies if there could be a button under relationship to choose. Some Spouces are not ready to remove them

    When a parent dies if there could be a button under relationship to choose. Some spouse's are not ready to remove them right away.

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  10. Adding State-EDE number (STN) to teacher Security Group

    Adding State-EDE number (STN) to teacher Educator Access Plus Tab. A majority of our testing software utilizes the student State-EDE number (STN). It would be beneficial if we could have the State-EDE number (STN) placed in another spot or allow access to ONLY the State-EDE number (STN) in the IN/NCLB tab or student profile. Teachers have access to the student's other ID and internal ID but not the STN which doesn't make sense. We do not allow teachers access to the IN/NCLB tab due to student SSNs being attached to that area.

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  11. Course requests configuration - add message

    I would like to be able to add a text message on the course Selection Screen in Family Access.

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  12. Transfer attendance to different course in the same period

    I would like to be able to transfer attendance between different courses that are offered during the same period when I do a schedule change, the same way I can do when switching sections of the same course. We offer combined classes that are regular and honors for a course, and students switch at the end of the semester to the honors section, and we need to transfer attendance although these are two different courses.

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  13. Student Profile - Extra Information Add Gender Identity

    Please add the option to show the Gender Identy of a student on the student profile header in the customize/extra information area. We have the ability to only show gender identity for parents and teachers, but the office staff/student management users need to have this ability, too.

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  14. Ability to automate an import in Test Score Import Wizard

    Since STAR scores are imported multiple times a year, it would be helpful and more efficient if Skyward had the ability for users to automate the import process in the Test Score Import Wizard.

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  15. update skyward documentation

    Your skyward documentation area is not updated to newest version. When I look up, for example, how to enter different kinds of discipline and actions it very vague and is of no help. It is also from 2012. I realize that having so many documents in the help area would take a lot of time you should do this for some of the most used areas. I think if you attached a video from a up to date skyward webinar would be easier also.

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  16. Mass Add/Change/Delete Student Requests

    Currently, the default ranges on the Mass Add/Change/Delete Student Requests is set to Exclude Special Ed students. This causes them to be excluded even when running this utility using a processing list. All other mass utilities have open ranges, so schedulers didn't look at the ranges in this utility before running it with a processing list and didn't realize all ESE and Gifted students on the processing list were getting left out. They are now going in and changing it, but it would be nice if the default was truely open ranges so students protected by law weren't inadvertently excluded…

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  17. Fee Management Configuration Configure Auto Email Ability to Add Fee Comments as Pre-Defined Field

    We send parents an auto email message when student has a misc tech fee for Chromebook damages or replacement. I know that we could create more codes one for each of the various types, but this message just has the amount of $100 for the tech fee and with such a large amount parents tend to call student accounts when they get this message before they look at making the payment in RevTrac with the comment.

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  18. Family Access Food Service and Fee Management Paid By (parent name)

    Please add the parent name to the paid by, it just says 'Via Web'. We have split families and both parents have equal rights for the children, they want to see that they paid for food service or the fees. Even on the receipt it doesn't show who paid for it.

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  19. pd by in food service

    Nowhere in Food Service does it say who made a payment. It only says Via Web. It does in Fee Management Fee History: Webstore Payment made by (parent name). In Food Service it doesn't say that in the history. Please add this to the history.

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  20. Letter generation system for the health records area of Skyward

    This request was submitted to me by our health staff. "We need a letter option for dental exams. Skyward already has the ability to run reports, we just need to add the letter option. The dental report is located under Office-Health records-Reports-Dental.

    An example of this can be found under Office-Vaccinations-Report-Vaccination. There you can see Skyward has templates for Legal Letters. We use these templates constantly."

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