Student Management Suite
1602 results found
We have an automated email set up to be generated when an absence request is submitted through FA. The message recipients for general staff
We have an automated email set up to be generated when an absence request is submitted through FA. The message recipients for general staff is the main office AA's and the health room staff. They would like the notification to also generate an email to the student's homeroom teacher.
1 vote -
Standard Transcript - Additional Grade Buckets
We are on a block schedule and need 6 grade buckets on our transcript - T1, T2, S1, T3, T4, S2. The standard transcript is exactly what we need, sorted by subject, but it only allows 5 grade buckets. Can one more be added?
2 votes -
Add a date range for the report: Print Forms
Would be nice to be able to add a date range to the PRINT FORMS report.
Our school does a new I-6 for each progress report. Would like to be able to print just the most recent instead of all of them.1 vote -
Transportation Voc. Support Service
Adding the ability to either import the Transportation Voc. Support Service code or the ability to use a processing list on the Mass Assign Vocational Education Default.
1 vote -
Allow Comments for Skills in the SBG
The current standards based gradebook allows for comments to be added for a term, a Subject, or an event. Comments for Skills is missing. A Skill often describes a specific task (i.e. I can ...) and is exactly where our teachers need to enter comments on why students may not be achieving said Skill.
2 votes -
Academic History - School picks the years shown
I would like the ability for Academic History to be ONLY history of past years OR allow the option to use a processing list to turn off history for those we are blocking.
1 vote -
Conferences - Adding a message to the Conference tab of Family Access
Conferences - Adding a message to the Conference tab of Family Access
I can ONLY have a message when the conference is closed. I would like to add a message at all times to the conference tab.4 votes -
Do Not Report to Ed-Fi - Enrollment Record
We need a "Do Not Report to Ed-Fi" box on the E/W entry page so certain entity enrollments can be ignored for the Ed-Fi sync.
Situation: we have an entity that is our alternative school. We enroll students from our distirct as well as neighboring districts. We need to report the students from the other districts for attendance purposes, so we gave the entity our HS DOE number. This causes issues when our students enroll or withdraw from this entity. Quite a few of our students are only taking a class or two, so they are enrolled in both our…
3 votes -
Add Waitlist to Arena Scheduling
Add waitlist to Arena Scheduling. We use Arena Scheduling for Summer School and would be nice if kiddos could be put on waitlist. We then could determine to increase seat count or add an additional section
4 votes -
semester default formula
If EOC were to be back in time to include in grades: Is there a way to have a separate formula that would average the "initial" S2 Grade (not Final Grade) with the EOC using different percents. Other words, use the initial S2 grade which includes Q3-40%, Q4-40%, SE2-20% and average it at 85% with EOC score at 15% for a final S2 Grade. Then the final S2 grade (with EOC averaged) would be averaged with S1 grade as 50/50 for a FINAL GRADE.
1 vote -
Food Service Application - Consent for Disclosure
We would like to see the Consent for Disclosure set up in a way where parents can Check No or Yes, then make that part of the application required so that we know that this specific part of the application was seen and completed. If the family completes the F/R application in Skyward they would be required to complete the Consent for Disclosure by either Checking the No box putting in their electronic signature and date, or by clicking the Yes box, but if the Yes box is checked they then would be required to complete which program they give…
1 vote -
Fee Management added to Skylert
We would like to see Fee Management added to the Skylert module in order to send out reminder notifications for families with outstanding enrollment fees much like the Food Service alerts work.
7 votes -
Discipline Auto-Emails
Currently a discipline email can be triggered by specific Actions on the save, but we'd like the email to be setup as a reminder on the "to be served" date so the email reminds the student of detentions and suspensions.
2 votes -
Textbook Tracking - Option to Let Teachers Submit Textbook Requests:
Our district would like an option added to the Textbook Tracking Module that would allow teachers to submit requests for additional textbooks throughout the school year. This way not only would our curriculum department receive the request via Skyward, this data would also be in the Module for future reference.
1 vote -
Email student schedules to parents
I would like to be able to email a student schedules to guardians directly through Skyward, (without having to print, save and add as an attachment)
7 votes -
pass fail grades
On standards grading the Pass/Fail only applies to Subjects and Skills not the overall semester/term grades. If you do not use the P grade mark for any other Grade Mark Group you currently need to change the Grade Mark to be an "other" override and then the teacher would need to override the Term grades. Otherwise you will need to continue to manually change the term grades to P/F grade marks manually.
But P/F works differently with secondary gradebooks; correctly appears on the report card. We would like to request programming for P/F grades within standards gradebooks and report cards…
2 votes -
It would be great if Progress reports and midterms can be hidden from view for parents and students!
It would be great if Progress reports and midterms buckets in gradebook can be hidden from view for parents and students!
2 votes -
Perfect Attendance Report - Absence Occurrence Report
Currently, we can only pull Attendance Occurrence Report for 1 year at a time. I would like to run a Perfect Attendance Report for multiple years.
10 votes -
Critical Alert Pop Up
Create the ability to turn off the critical alert pop up on student profile for specific users. For example, if admins want the alert turned off so they don't get the pop up every time they pull up a student with a critical alert. Without affecting it for all other users.
7 votes -
Texas- Add grade level to the pre-defined fields for the Family Access Absence Notifcation Request
Texas - Add grade level to the pre-defined fields for the Family Access Absence Notification Request. Adding the entity that the student attends would be very helpful. This would allow the attendance clerks to quickly identify their students should there be more than one attendance clerk on a campus.
2 votes
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