Student Management Suite
1602 results found
Mass Change Course Fees be able to select year and amount
Under Mass Change Course Fees WS\AD\FM\PS\UT\CC - Have the capability to select the year - for new year - and the amount. Several of our courses have the same amount for fees, workbooks and textbooks. It would be nice to have the ability to mass change as opposed to pulling up each individual course and entering the textbook amount, then the workbook, amount then the fees. A tedious and time consuming activity that could be streamlined.
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2 votes
State Reporting Info in Browse Screens
With the new Ed-Fi process, so much time is spent navigating between pages. It would be very helpful if State Reporting columns/info could be added to Views for the browse pages.
For example on the Course Master page, WS\OF\CS\BC\CM\CM, it would be amazing if there was a View that included the Dual Credit, Subject Code, Subj Code Grade Level, Course Level, Do Not Send to Ed-Fi fields.
On the Staff Browse page WS\SF\SF, it would help if there was a Classification View so we could see the Start/End Dates, Entity and Classification
On the Student Browse page WS\ST\ST, it would…9 votes -
Read testscores to find the highest for transcripts
Indiana code now requires that the highest SAT score be included on transcripts. It would be great if Skyward could read the testscores and find the highest to include on the custom transcript.
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Tennessee State ID needs to be pullable on reports in Gradebooks.
Our high school teachers need to print their rosters with state id's for CTE purposes.
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Create a weekly attendance report so it would be able to be a scheduled task.
Create a weekly attendance report so it would be able to be a scheduled task.
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Add Course Substitution Option to Grad Reqs
Under coursework requirement area - WS\ST\TB\GQ\TB\GQ
It would be helpful if in addition to the options to manually add coursework, that there also be an option to add coursework being used for substitutions. Using the picture as a reference, an S can be added to the options to choose from if needing to substitute a course.
For example, a student in Special Education may have a LOTE substitution for graduation. I would like to have the ability to add courses designated as General Electives to Texas Graduation areas of LOTE and Physical Education as these are the areas where students…
3 votes -
Autopost letters to the portfolio
The ability to autopost letters to the portfolio from areas like grade letter deficiency.
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Ability to Select Banners on Custom Forms Requested
There are currently four pieces of information that will print on a student custom form. They are name, gender, grad yr/grade and other ID. Our district would like the ability to select the information we want on that banner. It would be helpful to remove other ID, which is just a local code, and add state ID and PIN which may be helpful to other districts receiving our forms.
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Option to Remove Industry Credential Headers on Transcript if No Data - Same as Option on Test Scores
Currently, there is an option to remove the headers from the Test Scores section of a custom transcript if a student has no data in the test scores field. We need the same option for the Industry Credentials section of our custom transcript - otherwise it appears as if there is missing information.
As of right now, we are having to track those students who have info in the associated fields, so that we can build and run separate transcripts for them.
I have attached a screenshot of the button in the test scores field.
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Hall Pass requested via student access
Students who leave class need to be tracked because too many times they end up doing things against the rules when they leave the room. It would be helpful if they could request a hall pass on their phone and the teacher could approve. The student would then have a hall pass on their phone that they could take and show staff if anyone were to ask where they were supposed to be when outside the classroom
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would like to be able to mass disable family/student access for summer months for all entities.
Would like to be able to mass disable family/student access for summer months with a message for all entities instead of going into each one and clicking all the boxes to no.
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When added students in future scheduling in entry by class it would be very helpful to have NY homeroom as one of the fields .
When added students in future scheduling classes under the entry by class it would be helpful to have the NY homeroom field that way we can filter to make the process faster.
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Hide Address 2 from Online Registration
It would be helpful if we could hide address 2 from the online registration module. Currently, the only options we can hid are primary address and mailing address. Address 2 shows under the family address section in online registration and families are getting confused and entering grandparent addresses and second homes.
11 votes -
service call contact preference email default
I think it would be nice if you could make the default for "contact preference" to be email instead of phone when submitting customer access requests (aka service calls) to Skyward. I would almost always prefer to have Skyward attempt via email first but always forget to change the option from phone to email before submitting.
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Textbook Tracker
We utilize textbook tracker to check out laptops to our teachers and administrators. We have several administrators that are not assigned to a a school entity, and we cannot accurately check out a device to them. It would be very helpful to be able to check out items in entity 000 (district entity) for those who are not assigned to a school.
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Add YTD Earned Credits as option to Custom Report Card
Would be helpful to have 'YTD credits earned' as an option under GPA and Credits in the Custom Report Card.
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Print Future Schedules to Sort by Class Period
Currently when printing future scheduling schedules the class sort is by the current year schedule. It would be very useful if the sort by class period would be from the future schedule, not the current schedule.
6 votes -
updated RTI custom form templates
We would like for the RTI custom form template options to match the custom form template options on the 3.0 sped forms. Please see the attachment to see the options in the sped forms, that we are requesting on the RTI forms. Currently the RTI forms are not being utilized to the max, as they are not formatted as we need.
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Allow Special Characters in names - for example - Zoë - right now we can enter it disappears as soon as you leave the field.
Allow Special Characters in names - for example - Zoë - right now we can enter the ë but it disappears as soon as you leave the field.
3 votes
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