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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1602 results found

  1. Add Advisor Designation to Staff Info Screen

    We would like to request an "Advisor" staff designation be added to the staff information screen so staff members can be assigned the advisor role between entities without having to add the entity permission to the staff member. The counselor field is not always available on certain reports that campuses and district administrators use.

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  2. Make Primary Phone Number assignable per guardian, not household

    Currently, if Guardian2 signs into Skyward Family Access and changes the primary phone number to be G2's cell phone, not only does the HOUSEHOLD primary phone number change, Guardian1's Primary phone number is not only replaced, it's been fully lost.

    Primary Phone Number should be assignable for each guardian. It's not 1989 anymore. Cellphones exist. The default phone number for any given student should be Family1/Guardian1, not a household number.

    You give the ability to export F1/G1 Primary Phone alongside F1/G2 Primary Phone. It's always going to be the same phone number and it causes issues for me constantly with…

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  3. Mass delete old proc list utility

    A utility to mass delete processing lists would be helpful.
    Or even if a user is made inactive - and option to delete their user proc lists would be great.

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  4. attendance comment field

    Expand Comments field in Attendance tab to allow for more characters
    One of our schools suggested this field be expanded to allow for 100 characters. Some attendance they can't make because of the limit in characters.

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  5. Add From Email address field in Automated Email

    Add the option to send from email address field in Automated email. Similar to the option in Message Center. When the automated email is sent to guardians, the person setting up the email should not always be the person the parent is replying to.

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  6. SPN Staff Name to help with DOE Sync Errors

    The DOE matches staff synced from Skyward to their license database, LVIS.
    Our HR system requires us to use the staff's legal name for income tax purposes. We sync our staff names from our HR system into Skyward.

    Similar to the legal name in the Identity tab for students, could we have an SPN name area for staff so we could send the name to the DOE that matches LVIS?

    The process for staff to update LVIS takes a while and often staff want their name in Skyward to be different. Sometimes staff have their legal name changed, but they…

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  7. Would like to see "Doctor's note required for each absence" on the entry by date screen

    Add "Doctor's note required for each absence" to the entry by date screen. That way we can see if a doctors note is required or not.

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  8. Report with Discipline Code detail

    Offense Code configuration allows for checkboxes (drug related, weapon related, etc) and state Incident Types in Skyward. Right now the only way to view this information is to expand/edit each code individually (per Skyward help ticket); I would like a report that shows these settings for all codes.

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  9. discipline graphs

    Having years listed in graphs and the ability to select an offense and compare it to a previous year or years.
    If Bullying is the offense and the Multiple Discipline Graphs report is used, it should show one graph with the school year listed on the X axis and the total of Bullying offenses on the Y axis.

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  10. Data Mining - File Name match Data Mining Report name

    It would be helpful and less confusing for our users if, the name of the Excel file we download would be the same as the Data Mining report name rather than something like SKR1857952J3N3827. When users look in their Downloads folder, they have to open each file to see what the data is.

    It also makes it difficult to remember which Data Mining report was actually used to generate the file.

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  11. Assign Special Grade Mark Groups by Course Type

    When mass assigning special grade mark groups, it can be done by Dept, Subject, Course or Teacher. It would be nice to do be able to do it by Course Type. We have our certain types of classes that should all be marked pass/fail, but we have to assign that grade mark group by student and can't mass assign it to all alternative classes.

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  12. Economically Disadvantaged Current Year (Y/N)

    It would be nice to be able to export if a student is current year economically disadvantaged. We could also do it through Data Mining processing lists if necessary. With current setup it's only achievable with manual intervention.

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  13. Transfer Grading Comments

    We would like to be able to transfer Grading Comments the way that teachers are able to transfer grades to a new section. We need to transfer comments along with grades from one section to another the way that the grades are transferred to new sections.

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  14. In the Fee Management Student Receipt, delete Tax Paid and add Date before Code.

    To help clarify the fees to parents, the date of when the fee was added to their student's account should be visible on the student's receipt before the Bill Code. Since we do not charge student taxes, the Tax Paid column can be deleted.

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  15. Student total amounts on Summary Cost and Reimbursement Claim Form

    The Summary Cost and Reimbursement Claim Form under Administration=Reports should display grand total per student for curricular material fees

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  16. Military Connected Registration Date/Start and End Date

    Currently when a parent completes registration (New & Returning), Military Connected data updates including the start and end date per the date registration was completed. We open returning student registration in May during the current school year which causes issues for the current school year's data being that it end dates and/or starts the program within the wrong school year. It would be great if there was a date range for the next school year within configuration. I could enter the school start date and the correct end date for the previous school year.

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  17. Arena Scheduling - Ability to Rename

    Arena Scheduling - the ability to rename Arena Scheduling similar to renaming Online Registration.

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  18. Academic Eligibility -Auto Generated Letters & Ability to Post to Student & Family Access

    It would be so helpful to have auto generated letters for Academic Eligibility, similar to the auto generated attendance letters. We would also really like the ability to mass post those letters to Student and Family Access.

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  19. "STUDENT TYPE" on the ENTRY/WITHDRAWAL tab needs to stay what it's set when the students are rolled up every year

    The student type on the entry /withdrawal tab changes every time the student gets rolled up year after year. Why can't it just stay 504, AR, etc? Every year after the rollup we have to go and change the student type because it defaults to REG. Trust me, there are not a lot of REG students. Mostly AR, 504.
    Thank you for your consideration in the matter.
    maria iltis

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    When editing a student already assigned to a bus stop (on Busing Master) an option to select that student's family 1 or 2 address would be helpful and save time when entering address details in description or stop detail. The bus stops then don't link to the busing addresses screen on the student profile side. This option would also save time.

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