Student Management Suite
1602 results found
Career Plans
Allow the ability to have the Course Key in the career plans to differentiate between S1 and S2 / regular, honors, or ap course, etc. Our course key tells us that information at a glance and would be helpful to have on the Career Plan screen.
2 votes -
Bring Comments from Google Classroom to Skyward Gradebook
Be able to take the comments in Google Classroom and add them to Skyward Gradebook.
2 votes -
Schedule students into specific meets from a section
We would like to be able to schedule students into specific meets from a section.
1 vote -
Positive Attendance red "stop screen"
In Pocket PaC, if a student is scanned into the library, student resource center, etc., when they should actually be in their math class, you get a red "stop screen" that alerts the staff scanning the student's ID that the student should be in class at that time. Positive Attendance doesn't have this feature so those scanning students into a location aren't made aware that the student should be in class. Staff cannot check every student's schedule to verify whether a student should be allowed entry into the location when they have a line of students at the door.
1 vote -
"teacher transaction"
Need an option to prompt for an effective date when adding/editing a primary or alternate teacher on a meet. Similar to the options available for student transactions. I see that there PA and TX asked for something similar, where they asked for an option on the add transaction date on the add of a meet.
6 votes -
Food service balance scan
Is there a way that a student could scan their ID (like a price check at a grocery store) and see their current food service balance? I realize Families and students can see this in the Skyward Family Access app. This option would be made available to students as they start to walk through the line to check their current balance, and see what type of purchase they can make.
1 vote -
Translator Needed For Conferences
It would be helpful if parents could indicate that they need a translator when signing up for parent-teacher conferences in the parent portal.
4 votes -
Add another Advisor under the Entity Info tab/Entity information
Currently there is Advisor, Counselor, Discipline Officer - can you add a generic box for a name key/name and then the person's position such as Diagnostician, Speech, etc., and add this to be done in a mass add/change as well.
3 votesThis project has been deferred at this time. If you feel this idea would benefit your district, please tell us more by adding a comment and/or voting for this idea.
print NSOE parent attachments under the manage required documents area
In NSOE on the right hand side there is a button "manage required documents". By selecting this button, can it be added that we can print all of the attachments for that application at one time. Instead of going to the attachment and printing one at a time and the ability to print the custom forms for that application at that same time?
4 votes -
email to parents when report cards are posted to the portfolio
is it possible to have Skyward auto email a parent when the Progress Reports and Report Cards are posted to the portfolio in Family Access from the Office Side and not use the message center?
5 votes -
Mass assign obligations
Could there be a way to mass assign obligations to all students? For example, in order for them to see their new schedule, they first need to turn in Tech Forms for their computers and the parent needs to complete Family Access Updates.
Also, parents should be able to see obligations in Family Access, so they are aware of what the student needs to complete.2 votes -
Our district would like to see the At Risk tab expanded
I know this would be a programming request, but our Asst Superintendent wanted me to check and see if there was anything in the near future for adding the eligibility requirements for the K-12 KS At-Risk Program into Skyward? If there could be boxes that could be check marked as to why they qualify for this program, it would help tremendously with reporting of this and why the student(s) qualify. I have added a screenshot from the KIDS 23-24 Collection System File Specs.
1 vote -
family data mining by family
I need a data mine to list the F1G1, F2G1, and all students in the family on the same line. Currently, I would have to do a Vlookup or "remove duplicates" in Excel to get only one listing because it lists the whole family for each student with duplicate info. Unfortunately, it is an automated report that goes to Linkit so I need the report created so that it can go directly to them in the proper format for importing.
1 vote -
Adding a Misc subset category to choose for Student Indicators.
We are using the Misc tab under Special Programs to indicate different categories for student observation. Using this we would like to have indicators show for students.
I was trying this out in our training database and was able to add in an indicator for Supplemental Accelerated Instruction with a green 4 and Safe Team Review with a purple 1. However, it gave a student both indicators as represented in the attached pictures even if they only had one of the categories.
When using the Activity Indicator I can select differnt ones to where I could add multiple different indicators…
1 vote -
Adjusting Physical template and adding yes/no option instead of no option being to just leave it blank
Would like to have the option to check yes/no for lead and diabetes screening and add a spot to mark that the parent completed the parent portion of physical Instead of just leaving things blank if they are no. If it is left blank then we don't know if someone just forgot to complete the section/missed the information or if it was actually a no.
2 votes -
In health forms, allowing the IHP report to be converted to Excel
The Health report, Student Individual Health Plan (IHP), is designed to print HTML IHP forms, but it would be very helpful if the report could be converted to Excel so it is easily editable and can be saved and used when students are going on field trips. Right now other reports can convert to excel but this one is not available
3 votes -
Absence Request FA Screen
Our district uses the absence requests to request early dismissals. A Skycoder prompt based upon attendance code (such as early dismissal) would be beneficial to remind parents not to submit an early dismissal through the portal after 9:00 a.m. for the same day. Likewise, a prompt attached to the medically absent code telling parents to attach a doctors note would be beneficial as well, when the ability to add attachments is added. :)
3 votes -
Adding "All Area Access Login / Web Login / Mobile Login as a user to Security Group"
When setting up Security Group Access levels, specifically for "Web Product Setup" There is no way to assign the ability for a user to have "All Areas Login / Mobile Login" without granting that user System Wide Access in Product setup. Would be nice to have this ability select-able as a option in Security Groups for secretaries that are trying to login to a teacher account or family account without needing to have the complete product setup available to them.
1 vote -
Mass assign grade and mark as missing simultaneously for districts that do not give 0's
Is there any way for your developers to create an addition to the Mass Assign Options that includes a and mark as missing check box right next to the overwrite checkbox (or below it) so that when mass assigning it would auto populate the missing as well? To mass assign a score but also still tag it as missing.
2 votes -
Update Team Conferences with teachers when a course or section is changed such as adding a team to a section
Update Team Conferences time slots automatically with teachers when a change to a course/section is made such as Allow Conferences and adding a team to a section. So that we don't have to mass delete then re-add. Because sometimes schools notice something is wrong after guardians are already signing up.
We noticed that Skyward made a change that when team conference time slots have already been added if a course/section is change such as adding a team to a section the students of that section are now automatically added into the available list for those time slots in that team.…
1 vote
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