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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1583 results found

  1. Family Access User Portal Available from District

    Please make the Family Access User Portal available to select when in the District Entity. So many times as a district user I have to view Family Access users. I have to switch to any entity (even if it is not the one the parent is associated with) and then I can search for the Family Access User. It would make like so much easier if it was viewable through the district. Saving as a favorite does not work as soon as you click on the district entity that favorite is removed from the list.
    To access the Family Access…

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  2. Need ability to print approval info

    When printing the Applications from I need to print the online application for our review but when I print the application it doesn't show our approval information.

    Need that info

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  3. Mass Print Portfolio Attachments

    Allowing parents to upload registration documents in the online registration module places them in the student portfolio tab. At this time there is no way to mass print those attachment so if 1000 parents upload attachments we have to go to each individual student and print them. That is a lot of work hours. If we were able to mass print them by type and date range we could save hours or even days worth of work.

    Create a report in Students-->Student Profile-->Reports named "Portfolio Report" (similar to custom forms report) that allows us to choose a date range and…

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  4. Create field for number of days enrolled

    Due to state requirements for testing adding a field for total number of days enrolled (which would update daily or given the ability to set as a scheduled task) would be very helpful and decrease workload. Not having this option significantly increases workload for districts.

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  5. Ability to email from the Office Visit area

    Would like to have an Email button added to the Office Visit area. This would give the nurses options to communicate with parents at the time of exiting/releasing a student from the office.
    Add the Email button similar to the Email button on the Scheduling tab in student profile. Add the option (radial button) for parent email along with the staff and teacher options.

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  6. Import stu photos to custom forms/adv cust forms

    While setting up Online Registration for the first time we discovered that we cannot import student photos into a custom form or advanced custom form. We like to have student pictures on the emergency cards when we print them out for office use.

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  7. TX: Update Tracking report to include timestamps

    Texas reporting requirements include being able to report the date and time attendance data changes are made. We currently only offer timestamp data on a screen without the ability to create a report from it. This project is to update the Transaction Tracking report to include timestamps as well as date.

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  8. Add School and Calendar Ranges to Message Center

    The Student Ranges available in Message Center do not include the capability of limiting the students by School or Calendar codes. Recently we sent scholarship application information to our High School students and Vocation students from out of the district all received the same email. As a result some of them applied for the scholarship even though they did not qualify because they were not residents of the district. They are coded with a different School code that would have been excluded them from the emails if the School code were an option to use to narrow the ranges. This…

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  9. Report to list which guardians have opted in

    Would like a report to list which guardians have opted in using the new feature "Receive Health Office Visit Notifications". A simple report perhaps with limits by entity and by date to list all who have opted in or all who have not opted in. Export to excel or print. Sort options by date by guardian name by entity by student name. Checkboxes on the report to show which delivery method they've selected (email fam access both)

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  10. Update Password Complexity Requirements

    I am requesting that Skyward update the password complexity requirements. Minimum password length = 8 characters. Must also meet three of the four criteria:

    1) one or more uppercase letters

    2) one or more lowercase letter

    3) one or more numerals

    4) one or more symbols

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  11. Parent background checks

    Please add a date completed field to the background check.
    We are to update them every 3 years. This would be most helpful!

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  12. Add Advisor Name

    Would like the advisor name added to this report. We mail this report home and freshmen students do not always know who their advisor is.
    Freshmen need to know who their advisor is before the start of the school year.

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    Good Afternoon,

    Thank you for your votes on this enhancement idea. To ensure we have the correct report, could you provide confirmation as to what specific report this enhancement is referring too? The additional information will give valuable information in moving forward with this request.

    Thank you.

  13. Need PMF of Security Group Assignment for Forms

    Greetings. So I have Health Forms that require secure access for my district. I'm going through to set those 7 forms up now as Secure Forms. When you choose the Security Groups button you can utilize the Quick Filter to narrow your group search down to the groups you need. Convenient. But do you think there's a Select All button? Nada. You can UNSELECT ALL but there's no Select All. I will be clicking 749 boxes for the next 20 minutes. Please PMF this screen to match any others that should include a Select All option. Thank you!

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  14. Address Notification

    When Importing a new student record from a third party vendor into Skyward would it be possible to have a report that processes after importing notifying us that a students is currently connected to the address that we imported? This does happen when manually adding a new student but it would be very helpful if it could also be shown when importing New Student Records

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  15. a way to pull rcdts codes for serving entitys

    Please add a way to pull Illinois county district and district type codes for serving and home districts in skybuild. These would be used with the serving school code to provide a full RCDTS for each student. We currently can not export these needed fields to eStar to keep our local demographics up to date in their database.
    Outcome should be we can build groups in the skybuild export to provide these numbers by student. We are able to do this with our default schools only.

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  16. Student Name Field Not Long Enough

    Student name fields do not allow enough characters to allow for full legal name to be inputted. Need to increase number of characters allowed in first middle and last name fields.

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  17. View of Customer Payments applied to charges

    The goal is to enable the Skyward user to easily determine to which charge(s) a customer's payment was applied ie. which payments paid what charges. Currently there is no quick way to determine on the customer's fee management screens which charges a payment was applied to in the customer's record. You have to drill down into each and every charge or payment to try to determine which paid what and other charges and payments that are irrelevant to the transaction appear which is very confusing.

    Perhaps there can be some type of cross reference on the face of the customer…

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  18. Gender Printing on Report Cards

    We have a request to not include Gender on many of the individual student reports we currently print. In this case the request is that the Student Schedule report not include Gender. We currently have no way to do remove this.

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  19. Backscheduling in the Flex Mod Environment

    With converting to Flex Mod Scheduling we have found the backscheduling has become very time consuming due to the multiple yet specific mods that individual students can be scheduled into. We work on a 14 mod (period) day at 5 days a week equals 70 different mods a student can be scheduled into. Is it possible to create a secure group of users who only have access to make changes to study halls.
    Currently the time it takes to "backschedule" a student into a resource center is an inefficient use of time for counselors teachers and the registrar. Teachers normally…

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  20. Add Home Lang Code from LEP/BIL/ESL Tab

    Add home language code as a field that can be exported in skybuild. This field is located in student profile > Special Programs > LEP/Bil/ESL > Home Language Code. This is the field that is reported to TEA so we need to be consistent when exporting home language to other applications.
    Export the home language code from student profile > Special Programs > LEP/Bil/ESL > Home Language Code

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