Auto Email Trigger/studen locator
The student check in at the nurse needs to trigger the automated emails to the teachers on the student schedule. Teachers usually do not even have access to the student management piece of Skyward which then also makes us give them access to that module so they can see the student locator to see if a student is in the nurse's office. The systems needs to include the auto emails for the nurse module and the student locator needs to be programmed in to be included in Educator Access. Teachers should not have to have two separate windows open to locate a student nor should they have to look up a student to see if they are in the nurse's office when the code exists for the other offices to send an auto email. This is the most important feather of the student check-in and more students are checked in at the nurse than any other office.
This is a safety issue that will resolve many issues in determining if a student is in the nurse's office when they are not in the class they are supposed to be. It is a huge safety concern.