Entering events for specific studnts
We would like to have the option of selecting individual students or ranges of students when entering an event. Right now when entering an event the default is for the event to be applied to all students.
With standards based grading the teacher is often grading only one student or small groups of students. This would allow the flexibility for teachers to only enter the events for the students who were assessed.

Angelique Schoen commented
Keeping in mind differentiation it would be beneficial to be able to enter different events in for different students. Or events for some students but not others within the same skill. As it stands right now the event would show for all students and those students who the event would not pertain to would be marked as no count. We would like to have the option to adjust which events will appear for students on an individual level within a class. This would be beneficial for the classes where gen ed and special ed are mixed. Being able to personalize which events appear for individual students would eliminate many questions.