Multiple email addresses for parents/guardians. Like a work and home.....
Add option for multiple parental emails.....with a comma or semi colon in the family tab email field.
Lee Loomans commented
This would be very convenient as many guardians have secondary email addresses that they have requested to be added for contact purposes. We did also try entering a second email for a guardian but it would not save.
Lorri Rennie commented
We are currently entering multiple email addresses for a parent using the semi-colon to separate. Web Access > EDIT on P/G > Home Email;work email. This works in Message Center and sends 2 emails. We are still checking Family Access/Skylert settings.
The Family area > EDIT on P/G > Home Email field does not allow for this addition of emails. However, when entered in the Web Access area it will transfer to the P/G Family Home Email field. Seems this was an enhancement a while back.