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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1599 results found

  1. Warning Message during report card runs

    Have a Warning Message pop up when a report card run is chosen if the "Post to Family Access" or "Post to Student Portfolio" boxes are marked. This will help eliminate duplicate report cards posted to the student portfolio.

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  2. Skybuild import/export fields

    With the implementation of ed-fi all import and export data fields need to be in Skybuild. I just learned records need to be entered for gifted and talented and there is nothing listed for that categoy.

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  3. We would like to be able to delete bells without it deleting bells from the prior years.

    every year we have so many bells that role over that we do not need. We would like to delete the bells not needed but with your system it deletes the bells from the prior year. We know we can change the time and titles but it still leaves a lot of bells and its messy and confusing. See document attached showing a school with all the bells. We had to XX out the bells they are not using this year so it would not confuse them. instead of having 20 bells from prior years it would be nice to…

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  4. Setting a time limit for teacher referral submission

    We need a way that we can limit how many days prior to discipline referral can get entered. We want to lime the teachers from entering a discipline record prior to 3 days. If today is the 15th, we do not want them to enter a record for the 10th.

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  5. EA+ - Ability for teachers to search students by Other ID in gradebooks (My Students)

    EA+ - Teachers receive emails regarding students by using the other ID, instead of student names to keep things confidential.

    In all other areas of Skyward, the other ID can be used to look up students. Is it possible to have a search option or display the students other ID in EA+ Teacher Gradebooks > My Students that will allow this?

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  6. scheduling

    It would be helpful to have a pre-defined field of "effective date" added to the automated e-mails generated when a student drops or adds a course. It is sent on the date entered and that is not always the same as the effective date.

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  7. Custom Report Cards

    We would like the ability to print a blank standards based custom report card instead of having to pull in a test student and then having to redact the confidential information along with all the grades that appear if we are printing after the first grading term. Our district has a custom report card for each grade level so it takes some time to do this.

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  8. Student pictures included in Office class roster report

    The teacher class roster report offers the option to include student pictures. It'd be great if this were also an option in the Office class roster report.

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  9. Could you add the race, special ed, and EL status as fields to the Suspension/Expulsion Report under OFFICE for CRDC?

    Could you add the race, special ed, and EL status as fields to the Suspension/Expulsion Report under OFFICE for CRDC?

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  10. Entity Counts to not include students that don't really attend

    It would be nice to have the entity counts exclude or show a breakout of students that are not really in attendance, such as students enrolled for services only. Thank you!

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  11. Add the Arena Schedule Type to Data Mining and Skybuild

    Please add to Data Mining and Skybuild the Arena Scheduling Type code field (see screenshot) from the Student CY Scheduling > Office / Current Schedule / Student Schedule Generation / Entry by Student, which is displayed on the very right side of the data line.

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  12. Add full change history of family information to family history area along with who made the change date/time.

    Add full change history of any family information to family history area along with who made the change date/time.

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  13. Ability to remove punctuation from names when creating usernames/emails

    On the Automatically Generate Logins and Passwords screens (PS\CA\SE\PS\CF\AU) we need the ability to remove any punctuation and spaces from all name parts (first, last, middle, namekey). Currently we can remove spaces from namekeys but not from first, middle, last, and we can't remove punctuation from any of them.

    We are using the "namekey with spaces removed" option for our usernames but currently have a vendor that won't accept emails with apostrophes, such as O'Neil. It would solve a lot of problems if Skyward could remove those when creating the usernames/email addresses.

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  14. I have a teacher that in the Secondary Gradebook would like the grades to be a different color for "no count" and "missing".

    I have a teacher that in Secondary Gradebook would like the grades to be a different color for "no count" and "missing". This class has several students that will be assigned an assignment but not all of the students. When the teacher marks the rest of the students as "no count" the students and parents think they have a 0 or it is missing. He would like the "missing" to be red bold and the 'no count' be a different color.

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  15. Add a utility or configuration setting to enable Display Other Name Field in the Teacher Gradebook

    It would be helpful to have a mass add utility or a configuration option to automatically enable the Display Other Name (when available) in Teacher Gradebooks instead of the first name and middle initial. This would ensure every teacher would see/use the Other Name field if it is populated.

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  16. Other Name

    It would be helpful for the "Other Name" to pull into more areas. We want to keep the legal name visible for State testing/report cards etc, but the family and the student should be able to see the new name in both family and student access. At the very least, when an "Other Name" is entered, it should be visible in Family and Student access.

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  17. Legal Name and Full Preferred Name

    Expanding name fields to accommodate more characters is essential. At the same time, it would also be important to add a prefered full name option for gender identity preferences so that schools have an option to "show" the preferred name in educator access plus, family and student access. This would allow options for legal name printing on transcripts and other official documents AND sensitivity for gender identity.

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  18. Different color screen for New Year scheduling

    I have almost made changes in the current year scheduling because I clicked in the wrong area. Could there be an option to change the color of the screen when working in new year scheduling? Thank you.

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  19. Other Name incorporation into API

    We have a situation where we need to include "preferred name" and include into Skyward and all the programs that get their data from Skyward. Particularly this is an issue with Schoology. Could you please have the API configured to grab the preferred name and have it appear as the preferred name everywhere in Skyward and transfer into Schoology.

    I've been told from Skyward the following...

    Currently the API (LMS or OneRoster) does not have a data Endpoint for the student's Other Name. I do know that it is on programming's radar, however there hurdles to overcome yet.

    With the…

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  20. Custom Forms - allow form

    I think it would be very helpful to have an option that allows an Online Form posted in Family Access to automatically close after a parent submits it. Otherwise it is possible for parents to go back and edit what they have already done, and depending on the form this is very hard to try to manage. There are definitely times when you only want the parent to complete the form once. If the system can't automatically close the form once completed, perhaps an option can be built in to allow a processing list to be used to EXCLUDE students.…

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