Student Management Suite
1599 results found
Partial Schedule Report
It would be helpful if the Students with Partial Schedules Report printed with Student Key or Other ID or linked up to a processing list option. This would allow the ability to send a direct message to students and parents and open the Arena Scheduling window back up once holes were identified during the future scheduling time frame.
5 votes -
Precoded attendance show on attendance worksheets for substitutes
It would be helpful if attendance that has already been coded like field trips, on campus testing, etc would appear on paper attendance for substitutes. This would save attendance clerks lots of times having to go back and forth to see who is really absent and who isn't.
14 votes -
Teacher Scheduling Report
It would be great if the Teacher Schedules Report (WS/OF/FS/RE/TS) would print the teacher type on the report. Is the Teacher an Alternate or a Primary on the section meet. Also, it would be great if the report template allowed you to select which teacher type to include Primary , Alternate or Both. For example, you may only want to print the report to view courses where the teacher is set as the primary teacher but not include the Alternates.
7 votes -
Security settings in SkyDoc Tutorials
When giving tutorials or instructions on how to set items up, it would be nice to be given directions that some user securities may need to be changed. For example, when setting up the HGSS, in order for Teachers to enter the scores, their security settings in their security groups need to be changed to allow them access. Currently, there is nothing in the template or directions informing you that security settings may need to be changed, or what settings/path will need to be changed.
18 votes -
Attendance Codes linked to Discipline
After office staff enters specific attendance codes, it would be nice if a discipline entry would pop up. For example, when a Tardy code is entered, a discipline entry would pop up so that the office staff can immediately enter the discipline for the tardy. (Same goes for Unexcused absences).
9 votes -
Utility to mass delete course sections that have meets but no students assigned to the section.
We have had two different scenarios that we needed to mass delete sections from the section master. It is very time consuming to have to delete each individual section one at a time.
20 votes -
Add Medicaid Parental Consent Date for Special Ed Other tab in Student Profile
SHARS and other groups and entities now require the date of parental consent for medicaid billing. This is collected in the Frontline ESTAR/ESPED program and we have asked them to add that field to the nightly export.
However, we need a date field in Student Profile - Special ED - Other tab for the data to be imported to. Please see the screenshots doc attached. Thank you.
6 votes -
NSOE - Limit grades available to parent by campus
If a parent selects a High School for the campus, they should not have the ability to select KG for the grade! We need the ability to only show the grades available on the campus. This could default to the grades setup on the “School Codes” table and then we would also need an override in the NSOE config.
16 votes -
NSOE add special education and 504 acommadation fields for parents to populate
NSOE add special education and 504 accommodations fields for parents to populate. It doesn't have to be all fields just those to alert office they need to pass on to special education
7 votes -
outstanding fee notification
Parents are asking to have a notification flag posted to the family access page that states if they have outstanding fees to pay and if so how much.
24 votes -
Add 3 additional fields to the Absence Occurrence Report
See the attached. Would be very beneficial to have three (3) additional fields added to the resultant report of the Absence Occurrence Report (WS\OF\AT\RE\AR\AO);
fields to add:
1) student's current school of enrollment (default entity)
3) other id; AND
2) student's current grade levelreference attached
16 votes -
NSOE Middle Name Field
It would be beneficial if there was a way to mark the Middle Name field as required but also have a check box to indicate that there is no "No Middle Name". This would alleviate a lot of data quality issues in our district and also be more clear for the guardians that have children without middle names.
16 votes -
enter summer school bilingual participation by processing list
Mass assign bilingual summer school by processing list instead of by individual student.
6 votes -
Student Access option to Show Other Name
Student Access option to Show Other Name
Teachers can change the gradebook view and report cards can be printed with 'other name'. But students still see legal name in their log in.6 votes -
In gradebook, on the MY STUDENTS list you cannot see the Student ID/Other ID. We think it would be beneficial to have this to ensure FERPA when discussing a student with a teacher. They rarely know the other ID that we us so frequently on the SMS side. It currently can only be seen if selected inside a course gradebook.
11 votes -
Add the Student State ID to the student browse
Can the Student State ID be added to the student browse?
10 votes -
Post Secondary Licensure/Certification
Our counselors are having to enter Post Secondary Licensures/Certificates in 2 areas: (1.) Under TX/NCLB - Performance Ack: this is where the info is for the transcript/TREx ( 2.) Under Special Programs - Post Sec Cert: this is where the info is for PEIMS... It would be a huge time saver if they only had to post in 1 area. We would like to see transcript/TREx data being pulled from Special Programs - Post Sec Cert.
20 votes -
Update Physical Restr/Time Out Fields - PRTO now RTO
The State of Illinois discontinued batch uploads of Physical Restraint and Time Out data. We would still like the tab updated to match the state required information. We have multiple school buildings but state data for the PRTO (now called RTO) is being input by the district office. The most efficient way for our district to communicate with buildings is through the tab. The building puts the data into Skyward tab then we have a data mining scheduled task reporting "yesterday" data to the district office for input to the state. Please consider updating this tab to match the state…
9 votes -
Auto Email to parents who have not completed Registration
It would be great if we could set up an auto email sent to parents who have not completed online registration. Or maybe update the options in the verification status report template and add a check box where if it was checked it would send an email to parents who have not completed registration and then the report could be ran as a scheduled task.
44 votes -
Allow parents to EDIT and RESUBMIT a NSOE application!
IDEA: Please allow parents to EDIT a NSOE through Skyward, as it would be extremely beneficial for our campuses. If the skyward developing team could add a way for the registrars at the campuses to flag a NSOE application as “INCOMPLETE”, the parent would then be able to return to the application and resubmit any documents when necessary. In the event we have parents uploading incorrect documents or are missing docs/information, the parent could resubmit. Currently, our campus registrars are limited to only Deny or Cancel the application entirely. Campuses do not request parents to email…67 votes
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