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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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Student Management Suite

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1599 results found

  1. option to exclude a calendar on the CTE Contact Hours utility

    I think it was last year or maybe year before that TEA requires a calendar with instructional type DAEP ... our DAEP is not its own entity, it is a "program" so students remain in their home entity and get a schedule change to be with DAEP teachers ............. so recently I've realized that instead of exluding LOTS of DAEP sections in the contact hours utility ... it would be a lot simpler and cleaner to specify our AEP calendar to exclude those students from getting contact hours while they are at DAEP

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  2. Resident District/ Address Master

    Would it be possible to tie the Resident Enrollment field on the entry withdraw to the address master? So once the District for that address is identified it stays with that address no matter who moves in. It would eliminate having to research that address every time someone moves in.

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  3. Automated e-mail for addition or change of indicator

    It would be helpful to set up an automated e-mail that would be triggered when a student indicator is added or changed. For example, when a Parental Consent indicator is added or edited an e-mail would go to the teachers of the student and the administrators.

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  4. Teacher Rosters

    It would be helpful if teachers could see rosters of other classes without opening them up to teacher tracking where they then can see gradebooks, etc. Just a limited view of rosters in their building, by course or teacher.

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  5. Email Attachments

    Please add a feature to allow users to add an attachment when email parents from the Family tab of the student profile in Student Management.

    We sometimes need to send an email with an attachment to a specific parent with an attachment & we want it to come from our "no reply" email. Being able to just click on the parent's email address from the Family tab is slick, but we cannot add an attachment. Instead, we have to use create a proc list with one student and send it via the message center. More steps that take more time…

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  6. Born in the Unites States need to be a Y/N question in NSOE

    It is out of compliance to as on the enrollment form where a student was born. The law says we can only ask Was your student born in the US? If no, what was the first date of enrollment in US schools. Right now, there is no option or way of getting this information with using the NSOE form except by making it another custom form! Would be great to have this added as a label with Y/N and then if no, please enter date.....

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  7. Student Cell Phone in Online Registration

    When the student's third phone field is shown under Student Information in Online Registration, the family just sees a drop-down that has a default value of blank, an empty field and then Ext with a field next to it. The drop-down is shaded the same color as fields that are read-only. Can there be an option to set the default value of the drop-down or at least have a description that is next to that drop-down so families don't just glance at these blank fields and think there is nothing to enter there?

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  8. Add Predefined Comments in EA+ Discipline Entry

    Add predefined comments to the discipline entry screen in EA+ similar to what is currently available in discipline entry by officer.

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  9. Identity Field and Data Mining

    Adding the Identity area is very helpful, however, Data Mining will not allow you to create a report to only export students with entries in the Identity field. The only way it exports is for all students and then you have to compare line by line to find the students that have a different legal name than what their profile name (preferred name) is.

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  10. Add an attachment file to the LEP/Bil/ESL Special Programs Tab.

    Adding an attachment file to the LEP/Bil/ESL Special Programs Tab would allow us to add LPAC documentation and other info so teachers could pull up information without having to request it from the office or ESL Coordinator. It would save time and effort in our classrooms which in turn would benefit students.

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    We had an episode today that required emergency contact for a staff member. There was no where on the student management side that included this information. This is vital information that each building should have access too online.

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  12. Staff that are also parents in district that are payors. We would like to have the option as to which email the notices are being sent.

    We have staff members that are parents in the district and the payor notices go to the home email address and we would like for them to go to the schools email address. When their kids leave the district, the parents are not always checking the home emails and miss the notices we send them from the school for lunch balances.

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  13. All canned reports should have other id/name key to create processing lists

    Every single report that is a canned report in Skyward for districts to use should ALWAYS include either the student ID or the name key so that processing lists can be created from them. It is such an easy field to add but I have spent the past 2 hours manually creating processing lists because the students couldn't be imported. It's such a waste of time when adding this one field to report is a minor change and would allow an incredible amount of flexibility for districts to have the data they need at their fingertips.

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  14. Contact Hours - suppress remote learning

    Would like to have an option on either Entity Setup or the Contact Hours Report to remove or suppress the reporting of RA and RS when remote learning is not used in the district. This would save up to 10 pages (maybe more) when all tables are selected to print, but mainly it would make the report much more legible again. Thanks!!

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  15. Create an option in Advanced Features Entity count reports show count breakdown by students in house and serving schools ?

    This report would give us the breakdown of number of students attending in house and those attending specific serving schools.

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    0 comments  ·  Enrollment  ·  Admin →
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  16. Pop-up Confirmation for Auto Email Notifications

    Oftentimes, if just switching families (for the ability to do online registration), editing an address of an already withdrawn student, adding a current student to an entity (8th gr to HS) - to name a few situations, the automated notification causes alarm among staff and parents. Instead of having to go into Automated Emails and inactivate the notification every time a simple change is needed and then having to remember to go back and activate it again, it would be helpful it there was a pop-up asking if the email notification should be sent.

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  17. Food Service Application Processing in Skyward

    Currently when printing a pseudo application, a box shows up with information to be completed by the district. We need a way to enter and capture this information in Skyward without having to print out the application? Currently we capture the application from the parent through family access, physically print the application, complete the information to be completed by the district, and then scan the application back in!!!

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  18. SkyScan Install Options

    Update the SkyScan installer to support command line switches including the silent install. This would allow us to push the installation and not have to manually install it.

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  19. Electronic Signatures on Custom Forms for Registration

    It would be beneficial if parents had the ability to electronically sign custom forms for registration.

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  20. Suspension time required

    It would be helpful if the "Total Time" field could be required when entering a suspension. Sometimes our admin forget to indicate how many hours or days a student must serve for a suspension. Thank you!

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