Student Management Suite
1593 results found
Be able to select multiple teachers to print their schedules
When working on scheduling it is helpful to print a teacher's schedule. I sometimes want to print more than one. It would be helpful to be able to choose what teachers' schedules I want, rather than having to print more than one report.
4 votes -
Automated e-mail for addition or change of indicator
It would be helpful to set up an automated e-mail that would be triggered when a student indicator is added or changed. For example, when a Parental Consent indicator is added or edited an e-mail would go to the teachers of the student and the administrators.
11 votes -
Mass change default FamilyAccess Calendar display
I would like District Calendar Configuration to make changes to the Calendar in Family Access. I want to be able to change the default colors for events in the Family Access calendar, without having the guardians to manually change those on their own.
2 votes -
Create a sample for negative accounts being sent to collections
Create something similar to verification sample maintenance for managing negative lunch accounts being sent to collections. This way updates and notes can be added to all accounts in one place instead of going into each individual payor account.
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Medication Quick Entry Verified By
In the Medication Information Quick Entry Screen, there is a 'Admin By' Drop down box to select the Nurse that administered the medicine. We would like an additional field and drop down box named 'Verified By' to select the nurse or teacher that double checked the medicine.
2 votes -
Grading & Attendance Summary Report - Add Included Activities to Report
This reports allows the user to choose certain activities, but the activity is not listed on the report. Adding the activity to the report will be very helpful when more than one activity is included. This will eliminate running the report per activity.
1 vote -
NSOE - Limit grades available to parent by campus
If a parent selects a High School for the campus, they should not have the ability to select KG for the grade! We need the ability to only show the grades available on the campus. This could default to the grades setup on the “School Codes” table and then we would also need an override in the NSOE config.
16 votes -
Add the ability to sort by class for the student missing assignment report
Allow the gradebook student missing assignment report to sort by a class and teacher, so this report can be run and given to the study hall/pride time teacher for that student to make sure those students know what they should be working on in study hall/Pride Time.
3 votes -
Post Secondary Licensure/Certification
Our counselors are having to enter Post Secondary Licensures/Certificates in 2 areas: (1.) Under TX/NCLB - Performance Ack: this is where the info is for the transcript/TREx ( 2.) Under Special Programs - Post Sec Cert: this is where the info is for PEIMS... It would be a huge time saver if they only had to post in 1 area. We would like to see transcript/TREx data being pulled from Special Programs - Post Sec Cert.
20 votes -
Footer Information on Special Education Paper work
In the footer section of special education paperwork, the student's name and date the form was printed appears at the bottom. The font is extremely small. It would be nice if the font was bigger so it is easier to read and see. I have been told by Skyward the size is hard coded so it would have to be a programming change which would affect all users.
4 votes -
504 Indicator
Our special education department has requested that when hovering over the 504 indicator that the student's impairment is shown for quick reference.
2 votes -
Earned Industry Certification
"Earned Industry Certifications" was added to the "Vocational Ed" tab on the student profile, but this field isn't available in Data Mining. So we can't pull a list of student's who have it. Can we get this added to Data Mining?
3 votes -
Blank-out Student Search
It would be beneficial to have the student fields blank-out when an attempt to search for a student using the Student Search yields no results. Currently the first alpha student in the system and their associated data displays. If a user is not paying attention, which can and does occur frequently in a large district, an incorrect student is updated.
8 votes -
Multiple Pick Up/Drop Off BUSING Addresses Needed
We have students in Skyward for busing with certain days of the week they would be picked up/dropped off at Mom's (Family 1) and then the other days picked up/dropped off at Dad's (Family 2). We can add more than one Bus Route but not more than one Bus Address - it would be awesome if we could add multiple addresses so as not to cause confusion on the parent view side.
9 votes -
Ability to Mass Delete templates by date for Report Cards/Progress Reports
I have so many Report Card/Progress Report Templates that must be deleted and i have to delete each one. I have one for the report card, one for the upload to the portfolio for RC, one for Progress Reports and one to mass upload to the portfolio. That is possibly 4-6 per year for all 40+ campuses.
2 votes -
Please add fields from the Misc tab in the Special Prgms area. This will help when sending summer school data to the state. Data is sent differently since the entity isn't state reported.
5 votes -
Return the option to DISPLAY BY GRADING PERIOD in Course Length area
DISPLAY FEATURE THAT WORKED GREAT WAS REMOVED. Option to "Display By Grading Period" was removed and now Course Lengths can only be seen by Control Set. We have over 25 Control Sets for our large summer school program, viewing by Control Set is cumbersome to say the least. My Control Sets now span 3 1/2 pages, versus a view by Grading Period, that listed, and gave me add/edit capabilities, all in a nice condensed list. Here is the last bit from the ticket I submitted.
"At this time, there is no way to flip the display on the Course Lengths/Control…
5 votes -
Please add/show the date a Product Idea was submitted.
Please add/show the date that a Product Idea was submitted next to it's title.
5 votes -
Add option to “Link Industry Cert ID to course 0000000” to the “Mass Change Class Roll Worksheet Data” utility template
It will be very helpful to have the option to “Link Industry Cert ID to course 0000000” added to the “Mass Change Class Roll Worksheet Data” utility template. We use the “Mass Change Class Roll Worksheet Data” utility to mass populate the Industry Certifications/Digital Tools with an “F” Fail outcome using a processing list. The “Link Industry Cert ID to course 0000000” option is already available in the Career/Tech Ed>Industry Certs when adding Digital Tool records manually for the elementary grades. The Digital Tools for elementary grades are reported under course 0000000 only, we are adding hundreds of Digital Tools…
8 votes -
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