case load factoring using DPI number
Currently the report looked at the Disability Code and Primary Disability (Y/N) - as the fields that should be included in a Case Load Factoring report. At this time the students disability and environmental code are not a factor. I am submitting this as an RFE as it would be beneficial to have this report in skyward to manage caseloads of staff. Currently we manually have to run a report like this then add all of the caseload factoring numbers to the students based on environmental code and grade. This is time consuming for all involved. This report could help with caseload factoring through out the year. We could monitor this report to increase/decrease staff at anytime during the year. It is done in our school district 1 time per year as it is time consuming and should be done on a quarterly basis which is where we would like to be with this report.
the expected outcome would be to have the report be based on the DPI caseload factoring information to be able to pull based on the students in the system and any given time..