Student Management Suite
1602 results found
Ability to delete more than one line at a time
When a person needs to edit the Maintain area before finalizing it would be helpful to be able to choose multiple lines to delete. When deleting several lines from the Maintain area you have to choose one at a time. This process can be very time consuming.
When deleting multiple lines by student or sorted by teacher the time saved by allowing the deletion of more then one at a time would be substantial. Currently I have to set my View as high as it will go to see the majority of classes for a specific teacher. When having your…
27 votes -
Add Prompt to Update Students Tied to Incident
When users attempt to edit an Offense Code for students tied to an Incident there is no option to change the code whether it's temporary or inaccurate. Skyward misleads the users by sending them to the Offense Code screen to select a different code. The program should allow for updating all students tied to the Incident when the Configuration setting to force students to have the same Offense code is engaged. The prompt allows a user to make the change or back out of the change and should confirm which students are updated if the user proceeds to make the…
8 votes
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