Student Management Suite
1602 results found
SMS - Fees Paid Report - Print by activity instead of just bill code
The current fees paid report will only let you choose to print bill codes, which will print (for example) all of our athletic fees for that time range. We would like to print just who has paid for a particular sport or co-curricular sometimes.
1 vote -
PIMS C6 Student Updates
PIMS C6 STUDENT UPDATE PULL: It would be amazing to have a report that shows a list of ONLY students who have had a change to any piece of C6 Student Update template information that needs to be reported and what that information is (like appear in red). If it could also contain new enrollments that would be a plus! We could use it to submit student updates by individual if desired.
1 vote -
I need a report to pull dual credit courses and credits for a students career.
I need a report to pull dual credit courses and credits for a students career.
3 votes -
State of Texas has specific requirements for grade levels and Health vision and hearing screenings.
We need to be able to run a report that shows students out of compliance for those screenings.
1 vote -
Need to be able to add more than one health screening a day.
Sometimes health professionals have to add more than one screening a day, but the system does not time stamp the screening easily to see which one happened first. Need a time stamp.
2 votes -
Mock Attachments & Manage Required Documents from NSOE to Family Access
Currently, NSOE allows for viewing and checking off documentation uploaded through the portal. Family Access should reflect this same option, providing a link to view attachments from Online Registration and Online Forms, and provide a Manage Required Documents button to mock the same options setup for NSOE. This is imperative for districts tracking Proof of Residency, unless they want to use post-it notes or a spreadsheet outside of Skyward.
4 votes -
On the Performance Acknowledgement tab, the dual credit option would best be named Dual Credit/Enrollment or college hours.
On the Performance Acknowledgement tab, the dual credit option would best be named Dual Credit/Enrollment or college hours. This allows for districts in Texas to include OnRamps in this performance acknowledgement without confusing it with Dual Credit.
1 vote -
Add attachment to absence request in family access
Parents should be able to add an attachment or note to the absence request in family access to submit documentation of appointments, college visits, etc.
6 votes -
For the basic report card, it would be nice to have the option to choose comments only for that quarter, not every quarter.
For the basic report card, it would be nice to have the option to choose comments only for that quarter, not every quarter.
1 vote -
"daily register"
on the DAILY REGISTER and also on the Voc Ed Contact Hours Utility, add RANGES as a way to exclude classes ... and also add a way to add the begin / end dates without entering each one .......... our DAEP is a program (not its own campus) and I have to exclude our DAEP sections for CTE classes i.e. no contact hours for these sections and we have two large high schools and it is SOOO PAINFUL to set this up in these two areas ... and eventually I had to stop running it under 000 because the system…
10 votes -
Power Up Video - Arena Scheduling
I would like to see a 60 Second Parent Power Up Video to showcase how to use Arena Scheduling.
2 votes -
Processing List Clean Up
It would be helpful to have a Utility to mass delete Processing Lists by date so that we can keep old processing lists cleaned up as much as possible without have to delete them one by one.
Something much like the Data Mining Utility to keep them cleaned up
4 votes -
Attendance totals by date range for grade book
When teachers are taking their attendance and use the view of previous days it gives them a total of excused, unexcused, other and tardy absences. They are asking if I can adjust those totals so they are just for the current semester instead of the whole year. This is a problem when classes are year long. Give the teacher to adjust the total by a date range they can choose.
5 votes -
Food Service Payor Applications - Application Numbering
It would be extremely helpful if the system would automatically number the food service payor applications v. us having to number the application and remembering which number we previously left off at.
1 vote -
Pop-up Window for required Doctor's Note while entering Attendance
If a student is flagged "Required" Doctor's Note" it would be nice if there was a pop-up or some form of indicator that would not allow an excused attendance to be entered without that Required Doctor's Note either in an attachment form or even as fields that have to be entered. Such fields could be the date listed on the Doctor's Note along with the Doctor's name maybe even a free-form comment field in case anything needed to be entered in regards to said note.
Also to go along with this feature it would be nice if a report could…
7 votes -
Student Browse - Grade View
In the Student Browse, using the Views: of "Grades", it only shows columns for Semesters. Our middle schools grade on Quarters and a Final. Options for selecting the appropriate Term would be great. Thanks!
1 vote -
Mass remove prior year Obligations
We are trying to clean up Obligations from previous years, but the Utility only gives you school years Current and Future as options. We need to be able to Mass Delete Obligations from any year.
1 vote -
Add date ranges for enrolled and dropped schedule class status to Grade and Attendance Analysis, Grade Input and Proof Sheet, Selected Grade
Add date ranges for enrolled and dropped schedule class status to Grade and Attendance Analysis, Grade Input and Proof Sheet, Selected Grade Reports. So that registrars can put in a start and end date for students enrolled in a class. This would be useful when looking for missing grades for a term.
2 votes -
Activity Report w/Leader AND Students
Please add a Print Option of "Activity Staff" and "Activity Leader=Yes/No" to the Activity Report by Activity, so that all relevant information for an Activity can be on one report. (WS/OF/AC/RE/BA) Thanks!
4 votes -
Allow Entity Counts to separate Service Enrollments
We have students that are enrolled with us as a Service Enrollment with another district as their Primary Enrollment. We would like to be able to see them separated in Entity Counts.
1 vote
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