Student Management Suite
1602 results found
Prorate Schedules
It would be helpful, and time saving, to be able to clone Prorate Schedules from Current Year Schedules to the New Year Schedules, as opposed to creating each individual Prorate Schedule for each individual entity.
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1 vote
Creating a utility to mass remove student indicators
Can a utility be created to mass remove student indicators? For example, we use the Dr. Note Required indicator when a student has reached so many absences. We then remove this indicator at the end of the year as students start fresh every school year. It would be helpful to be able to run a utility to remove them rather than go in and remove each one individually.
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staff import
Staff import from HR as an option on the SIS db in the STAFF tab vs. the secured users tab. Currently the option to "Import HR data" into the SIS is just on the security access area. This feature would be an ideal option on the STAFF tab in the student db so campus staff get the correct first name/last name/required information then the security access could be set up afterwards. Having the option in reverse doesn't allow campus staff adding STAFF to import the correct and necessary information.
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Other ID vs Skyward's Student ID in Maintain
Having the Other ID in the Maintain browse would be more beneficial to search a student that using Skyward's internal generated Student ID#
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Distribute Student Demographic Information for ?
Under Distribut Student Demographic Information for?
We have changed the labels for this area and the description when clicking on the ? does not match the new label. We need to be able to update the explanation of each field label.3 votes -
MFA via Email or Text
Just putting in a request to have MFA over email or text built into the system.
Email especially would help us get MFA set up for staff members who prefer to not use their personal cell phone for work. Not many of our staff members use an app for MFA already so this would help us meet those staff members where they are.
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It would be nice to have the function to MASS add/update Transport records based on Transportation category. Right now we can only MASS end records but need to manually touch everyone to add back in. Example add new record for walkers 00 with x date. OR have the ability to only end records for example Transportation category "riders". The all or nothing category is not the best way to manage these records.
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Arena Scheduling Required Forms
I would like the option to require parents to complete/submit a custom form (liability waiver for summer school) before they can click the "Submit Schedule" link in Arena Scheduling. This will eliminate the need to chase down parents after they submit their schedule to collect the signed waivers
before the start of summer school.6 votes -
Other name on health reports
We need the ability to print both the legal name and other name on health reports. We have several students that have chosen other names due to their gender identity.
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Other name on health reports
We need the ability to print both the legal name and other name on health reports. We have several students that have chosen other names due to their gender identity.
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Mass Change Transaction Records - Add Previous School Year Option
WS\OF\CS\SS\PS\UT\TR - Adding the ability to select the previous school year for this utility would be very helpful in instances when dates need to be changed after end of year processing has taken place.
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Adding the option to enter Field trips for previous school years
It would be nice if you could add field trip information for previous school years
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Our teachers use Yubico security keys for multi factor authentication. Will this be an option for Skyward?
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Improving Access to Custom Forms in the Skyward Mobile App
Many parents have expressed interest in being able to access custom forms directly through the Skyward mobile app. The technology department gets numerous calls and support requests from parents stating they are unable to locate the custom forms. If integrating custom forms into the app is not feasible, an alternative solution could be to add a "Custom Forms" button or link within the app. This "Button" would redirect parents to access those forms through their web browser. This would provide parents a more convenient way to access any necessary custom forms, even if they cannot be directly integrated into the…
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Hiding final grades in Family Access for standards gradebook
It would be great if we could hide the final grade in family access for standards gradebook. New DOE rules, we have to send a final grade across for ALL courses. We are adding the P/F to report, but we do not include that on report cards. However we can't block it from family access. It makes no sense to parents because there is no pass or fail for elementary grades.
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When running the D/F list through the grading and attendance analysis, it would be great to be able to include percentages. We spend a lot of time going back into each individual student's profile to look up their percentage.
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We would like to see additional buckets added to the Grade Proof sheets report. For example, we need to be able to include EOC buckets for
We would like to see additional buckets added to the Grade Proof sheets report. For example, we need to be able to include EOC buckets on this report when we use it, on classes that the EOC is heavily or entirely weighted on.
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Edit Locker Numbers
It would be nice to have the option to edit locker numbers. For example, the ability to re-number all lockers in the 6th Grade hallway to all begin with a "6". A utility to mass change would be very helpful in this instance.
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The ability to clone gradebook events (standards gradebook) from year to year.
We can clone the standards gradebook from year-to-year, why can't we clone the events too?
2 votes
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