Message Center Attachment Size Limitation check BEFORE allowing user to save/send message
Currently if a message exceeds the attachment size limitation there is not an instant notification to the user in Message Center. The current setup allows the user to add large attachments that end up went saved try to process in the email queue for hours (we had an example of 6 hours) before failing and giving an error. In addition, the time that is spent for these messages to try and process and fail it is also holding up other messages from being sent with small or no attachments (until hours later). If the system could do a file size calculation on the attachments BEFORE or when the user clicks SAVE that tells them their attachment size is too large and to either use a smaller attachment or save elsewhere this would save so much time, frustration, troubleshooting on everyone's part.
Thank you for submitting this idea to the Product Ideas Portal.
After some review, we have determined what we believe is causing Message Center email queues to error out due to attachment file sizes.
This is due to a user attaching more than one file to their email within Message Center with a total combined file size exceeding the allowed maximum for the district’s email client.
To help prevent this from happening, we will add the ability to set a maximum size limit for all attachments (“Total size limit for all Message Center Attachments for a given message”). This configuration will be located in the Maximum Attachment Size setup area (PS\SA\DM\DS).
James Matthews commented
The attachment size for admin center messages really needs to be separate from the Maximum Attachment size for the entire database. We would like to leave the overall Max attachment size at 20mb to allow for student records, court documents, test scores… However, we want to set the max attachment size for admin center messages to 2mb to prevent issues with the email queue.
Mary Mitchem commented
Kimberley - YES! Our teachers crashed Skyward email multiple times in the spring before we turned off attachments completely. We'd like to add it back but can't take the risk until this is fixed.