Develop Skyward to have the same communication capability with parents that Remind has.
Teachers need to communicate with parents and have to copy Skyward demo data into Remind. Could Skyward develop the same type of communication tool for teachers?
Stephanie Kaack commented
We just had this request in our district as well. Unfortunately parents aren't checking email frequently anymore. Texting is the way to go. However, I'm not sure that's possible. We can send texts through skylert but teachers don't have access to that. They would love something similar to how remind works.
Mary Mitchem commented
Yes, text messaging is the way to go with students and parents. This needs to be added to the message center capabilities so teachers don't have to use Remind as well as Skyward.
Jacque Deckard commented
The teachers do have the option (if enabled for them in Security)to send a Message Center message. They have the capability to send to 1 or multiple (or all classes at once). These messages can be emailed, and/or posted to Family Access or Student Access. Are you asking if Skyward could add the capability to Text these messages?