Get rid of the Complete this step button
During annual registration there is a button that requires them to click complete before they click next. It would be best if they got rid of the next and assumed complete if next is clicked.
Many users miss the button and cannot complete this form and need to be assisted.
If the complete button disapeared to the next button was labeled "mark complete and continue" then functionality on the backend would be similar.
Carol Jozefowicz commented
Or in lieu of that -- don't have the steps clickable on the side -- MAKE them use the complete this step and move on button at the bottom. The problem comes when users are finishing a step and see the blue links on the right for the next step and click there.
Sarah Thiel commented
I would suggest adding this same feature to online registration too. Families assume that when they complete all the steps the info has been submitted. However they need to click one more "Submit" button which is often missed/overlooked.
Michelle Falkinham commented
In the online registration set up, you can select "complete step # and move to step #" in the Step Completion Buttons set -up area (just above where you add the steps).
Mary Mitchem commented
They also complete all the steps and don't mark submitted...get rid of that, too and mark the whole thing complete when all steps are complete.