TX-Safe Supportive School Program
Now that the Safe Supportive School Program will trigger a PEIMS fatal error if left blank, we would like to request that this field be made mandatory when entering an Offense just like the Offense Code, School, Offense Date, School Year and Discipline Officer.
Jackie Maxwell commented
PR5613125 was written to autopopulate the field with a '0' when an offense is entered. We are now seeing our number of blank fields increase significantly because the PR did not include offenses that are converted to an offense from a referral. Because referrals are not reported to the state, the field is not populated. When the referral is changed to an offense, the field remains empty causing a fatal error.
Requesting that the PR be expanded to include populating the field as soon as the referral is changed to an offense.
Candi Ihnen commented
Making the field mandatory will ensure it is not overlooked by admin and will alleviate daily errors when Ed-Fi goes live.