School Business Suite
1221 results found
Mass Custom Forms
It would be very helpful to be able to mass write custom forms to multiple students or to automatically create a custom form in each student's profile every time mass emails/messages are sent. The custom form settings could be in the settings for the message/email as well.
1 vote -
Enhance the DOE Staff Survey 2 and 3 Build for the Salary Schedule Pay Type Extract Method
We have employees on a Salary Matrix and have employees that we enter their salary (because of a Range not associated with a Salary Matrix in Skyward). In the DOE Staff Survey 2 and 3 Build, I continue getting over 50 employees with the error of "Grandfathered Sal Sched Pay Ind invalid" for the Staff Payroll Information, because I chose using "Skyward Pay Lane State Code". Need a way to accommodate the "Enter Salary Amount" when the Extract is running to put a crosswalk.
1 voteThank you for submitting this product idea.
We met with our Florida State Reporting Department to review State Compliance regulations.
At this time, we are not considering it for development. However, this idea will remain open for ongoing review and voting by other districts to show support of this idea.
Thank you.
Vendor different type(s)
Would like a box to check or something to determine which vendors are order from and which are contractors doing work on school grounds that do not need a purchase order.
1 vote -
Insurance and fingerprinting information for vendors added to profile
Would like to have a box for different insurance date (IE workers comp, liability and auto insurance). Also somewhere to put date of fingerprinting is done. Also to have the ability to pull the information in a report so when vendor packets need to be redone you do not have to go through every vendor.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
This idea will remain open for continued voting and support gathering from the Skyward user community.
Thank you!
Select Fields under Employee Access, Employee Profile, Employee for Administrative Team to view.
I have the administrative team set up under employee access to view employee profile and emergency contact. Under the employee profile, the identification numbers appear and I would like to see an option that this would not be available for a group. There is no reason the administrative team needs this information and just one more way that fraud with social security numbers could happen. It is a great feature for all the other information available for them, but no need for the identification numbers. Please consider this and keep me updated on your decision. Thank you and stay healthy…
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback in order to better understand what you expect in the system.
How is your administrative team set up under security?
What exactly would you like your Administrative Employees to view under Employee Profile, ex: which tabs, which fields?
What fields can they currently view that you would like to hide?
Have you already verified that these fields can’t be controlled under a confidentiality setting?
Have you already submitted a Service Call to our Skyward Customer Consulting and Service Department to assist with setting this up?Thank you!
Add a warning message when a payroll includes ACA-related Additional Medicare Tax for earnings in excess of $200k.
Adding a warning message when Additional Medicare Taxes are included in a payroll would greatly reduce the time spend auditing the Medicare deductions and benefits.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea.
We need some more information from you to best respond.
Are you using an additional Medicare code during payroll? If so, why?
The Medicare tax table is setup with the Medicare High Income Threshold of $200,000. The system will automatically combine all codes flagged as Medicare to meet the threshold.
The system should process and combine if you have calculated Medicare and then also an amount type Medicare code used during payroll. During the calculation process you should receive a warning message the employee has met that threshold amount of $200,000.
If you’re still having trouble, I’d suggest submitting a Service Call to our Customer Consulting and Support Center and a Representative will be able to review your settings and troubleshoot with you.
Thank you!
Truetime Org Chart
Our teachers work extra hours and they submit these hours on pay vouchers. Each pay voucher, depending on what the extra hours are, have supervisors approval the hours worked. I worked with Skyward over the summer in trying to get each of the extra pay items, entered as a new pay code at each building, but unfortunately, the org chart cannot accommodate the different scenarios we had.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. Could you help us understand this request more?
Could you walk us through your process and explain what you would expect to happen during the process? In what ways is the org chart unable to accommodate the different scenarios?
Thank you!
Ability to submit time off requests to mulitple supervisors at one time
When an employee has an assignment at more than one building they have the option to choose which supervisor to submit the time off request to, however, at this time they can only choose one or the other. They do not have the option to submit the time off request to both supervisors at one time. I think the option to submit to both supervisors at one time for each of the buildings would be a nice add-in.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.
This idea will remain open for continued voting and comments by the Skyward user community to show their support.
Thank you!
1 vote
Using PaC, please navigate to System Administration > Financial Management > Options System Configs
Under “3rd Party Retirement Plan Vendor Name” select “GateKeeper” this is the same format used by PenServ.
There are also instruction in SkyDoc to assist with setup.
Please see the two attachments.
Thank you!
1 vote
Use Skycoder on the screen:
Once this is added to the code this should allow for Greek Characters in the ID Field.
Thank you!
TrueTime Future Dates
When you use TrueTime future dates (ie need to submit timesheets before the week is complete) there is an error that comes up. It will allow employees to put in a complete day, but it will not let them edit it the day of. For example I opened up 11/19/20 and 11/20/2020 so they could submit their timesheet and I would be able to prepare the payroll early due to Thanksgiving.
An employee entered the "complete day" but needed to make changes to 11/19, because it was the current day it gave them a warning that "The record can not…1 vote -
List detailed instructions on how to use the Texas Department of Public Safety fields
Skyward has the platform under Texas State Reporting to manage the Texas Department of Public Safety. The only thing is, I can not find instructions on how to use this platform.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea.
I’ve attached the DPS Processing Manual recently created by our State and Federal Reporting Department to this response. It will be published in SkyDoc by the end of the week.
In the future, this type of request should be submitted via a Service Call.
The Product Ideas Portal is a platform to submit ideas to enhance the Software Product rather than documentation.
Thank you!
student groups
We have set up groups for students in TA. We need the function to be able to run the reports that are in the system and filter them by the groups we have added. Example purple group, yellow group and virtual group to be able to run grade sheet reports.
1 vote -
A/P Check Request Activity
We in A/P do not usually see check request numbers. When searching for things under check request. Please add additional "find" options like invoice number or vendor.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before considering this idea for development.
Thank you!
recurring entries
In recurring entries when multiple accounts are listed with dollar amounts, but only a couple of the account number dollars changed, not all, then the computer uses the new dollar amount and divides it according to percentages. Please leave the numbers as saved in the entry alone and allow us to select and choose the one or two accounts that need the dollars edited to make the difference up instead of having to edit all the dollar amounts for all the accounts. Also, do not auto bring up the Select Account Number box when selecting update accounts. The numbers are…
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We’d love to see more support from the Skyward user community before considering this idea for development.
Thank you!
Add an additional associated pay record to the contract maintenance screen due to covid
Due to tracking of COVID pay, we need and additional associated pay record added to the contract tab. If we use the only one that is there for COVID pay, there is no place to also associate retro pay. Please create this ASAP! Urgent request
1 voteSkyward recommends following these Best Practices published in March and April for dealing with COVID related items including pay:
Thank you!
Import Insurance Deduction/Benefit Changes
I would like the ability to import employee insurance deduction/benefit changes in Skyward. Mass processes in PaC are inefficient.
Note: We don't use Insurnance Tracking.1 voteThank you for submitting this idea.
We have the Payroll Import/Export and Generic Imports/Exports that should allow for you to import employee insurance deduction/benefit changes in Skyward. You do not need to be using Insurance Tracking in order to access this functionality. We suggest submitting a Service Call for assistance in getting started. Please have the format you are using available so the rep is get started with you right away.
Thank you!
It would be great if there were a preview option, then update for building timesheets in True Time!
It would be great if there were a preview option, then update for building timesheets in True Time
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea! We would like to see more support from the Skyward user community before we consider it for development.
Thank you!
Ability to attach payment backup in AP Payment screen
We currently have ability to attach documentation to an invoice but not to the payment itself. In many instances, particularly in the payment of payroll invoices, MANY invoices makeup one payment and is time-prohibitive to attach to each invoice. It would be helpful to have the attach option to be also available in the AP payment screen.
1 voteThank you for submitting this idea. We need more feedback.
Could you provide a working example, and what you would expect to change? Could you explain with the working example why each update would be helpful for your process? We’d like to better understand this request.
Thank you!
Separate bank account for each credit card transaction
We use both Finance and Activity Funds on credit card transactions. When I build the invoice I only have the option to choose one bank account. Then I have to run a report to see which transactions that fell within my date range belong to a different bank account and then go into AP/Invoice entry and select that individual invoice and edit to change the bank account. It is very time consuming and if this step is missed then AP gets hung up when trying to print the check register.
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