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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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9 results found

  1. Add Employee Ranges for Inactive Profiles on Online Forms

    Would it be possible to add Employee Ranges for Inactive Profiles to be Included, Excluded, or Processed Alone when working with Online Forms the same as when you are Building Letters in Employee Administration?

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  2. Extending character limit for Form Name within Online Forms

    Extending character limit for Online Form Name or use the Description field. Employees do not know what the abbreviations mean that are used due to the character limit.

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  3. Mass Custom Forms

    It would be very helpful to be able to mass write custom forms to multiple students or to automatically create a custom form in each student's profile every time mass emails/messages are sent. The custom form settings could be in the settings for the message/email as well.

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    0 comments  ·  Online Forms  ·  Admin →
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  4. Fillable PDF

    It would be advantageous to have a way when using online/custom forms to be able to have the employee complete a fillable PDF, save it automatically into their profile. They can only answer the questions on the designated form and we wouldn't need to worry about them attaching a document to their profile that wasn't intended. Currently Skyward allows you to send a fillable PDF to the employee but there is no way for them to save it other than to their device and then uploading it into their employee profile. This could be a nightmare with all the documents…

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  5. On-Line Form Attachment

    I would like to the ability to attach a spreadsheet or document to an online form that is pushed out to employees through employee access. Currently, the employee can upload a form to the "Attach" section in employee profile through Employee Access. I want to push a document out to them.

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  6. We would like to see an option the mass print online forms.

    Would like to see an option to mass print online forms

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  7. Add confirmation email "reply to" option

    From within Online Forms a custom email can be sent after completion of the online form. We would like the ability to enter a "reply to" or "from" email address for this message. Currently the reply-to email is the default reply-to email for the entire system which in our case is HR/Finance and Student. We typically have the default set up as a noreply email but we want the Online Form confirmation email to have a valid reply-to email when we use Online Forms for our insurance Open Enrollment process. So during our Open Enrollment all emails that are sent…

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    1 comment  ·  Online Forms  ·  Admin →
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    Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback.

    We need some clarification on your current process.

    Are you processing Open Enrollment outside of Skyward? We ask because Online Forms is not what is used for Open Enrollment in Skyward. Custom Forms are used for Open Enrollment and we currently don’t have an Email option linked with Custom Forms.

    Thanks for your feedback and thanks for walking us through your process so we can better understand this request!

  8. Delete by Employee with Online Forms

    You cannot currently delete an online form process for a given employee. There are instances where an employee may not need to complete the online form such as resignation or the employee letter that's posted is incorrect etc. In that case you cannot delete anyone who was assigned the online form unless you log into their profile and complete the form for them. It will always show as incomplete or outstanding. Either we need an option to delete an online form for a specific employee or it needs to be setup like the Student side's Online Form which includes a…

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    To remove an individual from an Online Form, the Online Form will need to be deactivated temporarily. Once you deactivate you can click the Activate button again and then the Selection Parameters screen will come up where you will be able to make changes to remove the individual from the Online Form. You can do this even if the employee has already completed the Online Form.

    Note: This will only work if you make your employee selection by individual employee.

    Thank you!

  9. Email Notification: Allow Advanced Custom Forms

    A previous release included the use of Advanced Custom Forms within the Task but we now realized that the same form cannot be used on the same task for the Email Notification.

    We use email notifications heavily. Without the ability to pull data from the adv custom form (name etc.) the emails are quite generic & meaningless.

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