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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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3 results found

  1. Auto email with approved PO to link back to the PO.

    When a requisition is approved, and the requestor receives the automatic email notifications, is it possible for Skyward to include a link back to the PO in those auto emails? This would make uploading attachments to the PO (receipts, invoices, etc.) a lot more efficient, so if there is a setting that can up changed that will do that, I'd like assistance with that option.

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  2. Employee Letter/Task Mgr - Add digital signature & template to be able to add one by one without creating new every time

    We want to be able to create an agreement for our coaches/advisors that allow us to pull data from Employee Management into an Employee Letter that the coach would digitally sign. We would then embed the letter into a Task Manager process that allows us to have a building admin or secretary initiate a request in Task Manager, that first goes to HR for review/approval, then HR generates the employee letter that is e-mailed to the coach in the next step. Once the coach digitally signs and completes their step, the form comes back to HR/Payroll for processing. Right now,…

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  3. Adding Subject Profile Building Location

    Currently we have a group of Assignee's for Finance PayRoll and Benefits where any one two or more people can address the Task but they would know according to the entity they are assigned to. We have over 48+ entities and each person is assigned to a school. This would keep me from having to create 30+ organization charts for each type of form to achieve my goal. If they can see the entity then the person assigned to the school could open and then close the Task. The expected out come would be to include the entity location. TO…

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